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this chapter is in niall's POV idk why.

"write that one down!" Harry shouted over the hustle and bustle of the city, his voice cutting like a knife through the sound, his delicately masculine voice floating to niall's and sharpening his senses.

Niall took the ballpoint pen and gently scrawled nomads onto his paper, the black ink swirling over the white page, the paper blowing madly in the wind as he desperately tried to keep it down.

Niall had messy handwriting, yes, it was nearly atrocious and unreadable but it had a certain kind of finesse to it, a swirling little loop of letters, an extra bold font, a unique little quirk he'd had that his handwriting was horrible and people were always drawn to it.

specifically Harry was. he'd always told him his writing was stellar.

Niall shifted in his sticky leather seat, his thighs sweating against the hot sun, his hairy thighs practically liquidating against the hot, pliant leather.

"this seat is fuckin hot." Niall mumbled to Harry, lifting his hips up and setting them back down comfortably.

"my ass is sweating." Harry said back, fanning himself with a tourist map, the blue and green and pink colors amalgamating together quickly as the paper fanned.

"I call it swass." Niall said, laughing at Harry's shocked expression.

"I'm trademarking that." Harry muttered back, moving his sunglasses up his nose.

Niall caught a glimpse of his eyes.

look, his best friend was beautiful, he knew it, clearly. with glassy green eyes, blowjob, cherry red lips, and curly brown locks he was an exotic beauty as Niall was an all american one.

Harry wore a flowing orange shirt today, see through, but adorned with enough tropical flowers that it didn't seem see through, covered enough so that he wasn't naked. he had in khaki shorts, a typical dad style, with the cherry on top being his Birkenstock sandals that made Niall feel like committing.

Birkenstocks > crocs, though.

Niall had always been attracted to his friend, though, he'd known for years (four to be exact) that he was into Harry, not romantically but just all about him. all bout his style, his confidence, his attitude, his demeanor, his body: he was perfect and Niall... he wasn't.

but Niall had built up enough walls around his feelings, his Emotions, his sensations that Harry wouldn't see the affection, wouldn't see the love.

not like it was love anyways, just infatuation. right?

Niall had been confused about this for years. four, to be exact.

Niall was so blockaded that he wouldn't let Harry in, he couldn't. plus, he couldn't be with Harry. his mom always said it was wrong and he'd never go against that woman.

though she may make his life hell and he may have problems with her beyond repair. it was out of guilt and respect that he didn't, he shouldn't.

him and Harry were best friends, and that was just kinda that.

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