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Classes were over for the day, exam's seemed like they were right around the corner. Aria knew she had to get serious, today she wouldn't stop practicing her spells till she was successful.

Aria was walking outside towards her usual spot to practice by herself. She didn't have a clue where the gang was and Celeste was wondering the castle somewhere. The sun was going to set soon; Aria sighed to herself not making much progress as she started to pack her books back up.

She heard a loud scream. Looking up immediately she looked all around to see if she could find where the scream was coming from.

Hearing the scream again, she turned around and the darkness of the forbidden forest loomed at her. Aria gulped, she was scared. She ran over to Hagrid's hut knocking on his door waiting for him to answer. No response.

'Great, he had to step out now of all times?' Aria looked back at the castle she should get a teacher that would be the best thing to do. There was another loud scream. This time the voice to sounded to be in even more pain. If she took too longer, who ever was in there might be dead by the time they reach them. Teacher or going in. Teacher or going in?

"I'm going to get in so much trouble for this" Aria took a deep breath looking at the forest.

Last time being in there felt like an eternity. How will it be like if she went in by herself? Aria shook her head there was no time to waste! Ran into the forest being very cautious, the second she went inside it felt like it was night time. Aria slowed down from a run to a fast walk, listening to any sign that could lead her in the right direction. In the distance there was sound of someone sobbing, It was leading south and deeper into the forest. Aria was careful to hide behind some trees every couple of minutes. The forest was exactly like last time giving you an uneasy feeling, like something was always watching you.

The more she walked the louder the voice sounded, she was close. After what seemed like an hour when it was just about five minutes. She reached small clearing. A thick fog rolled through made it hard to see the floor. Taking a step forward, Aria lost her footing. She tripped and when she looked up in the center was a student whimpering sounding like they were in pain. Aria quickly walked over to them touching their shoulder gently. There back was towards her, they wear tethered Ravenclaw robes. She had straight black hair that reached the end of her neck.

"Hey are you alright? It's ok! I'll help you get back if you're hurt" Aria whispered trying to calm the student down who was shaking.

The second Aria touched the student's back the shaking stopped immediately, even their cries. The student slowly stood up

'were they really hurt or was it just over reacting?' Aria thought.

"Um? Do you need help?" Aria asked slowly.

The student spread out their arms the robe was draping off their arms. Slowly the robe started to change into what looked like feathers?

Were they cursed with something?

"Say something please! I can help you" Aria asked worried about the student.

This time there was a loud screeching sound in response. Aria winced covering her ears, it was so high pitched it hurt. The student then looked up at the sky their hair was retracting into a point, even their body was elongating. Jumping up in the air flapping it's wings it spun around to reveal it's true form. The lower half of its body was like a bird; her feet were now sharp claws, Legs all covered in black feathers. While the upper half stayed in a woman's figure. Her hands had large claws, instead of arms they were now wings. The hair on the back of Aria's neck was standing up as she took a step back feeling sweat fall down her face. She's only read about these creatures in books. Never in her life did she actually think she would encounter one.

"H-Harpie" she whispered.

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