Almost Christmas Holiday

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Holidays were here! This means snow! Aria gets to go home to visit her family. She hopped that her brother would be able to come home as well. Professor McGonagall had come around the week before gathering names of students who would stay there. Ron, Harry, Fred and George wrote their names down on the list. Aria made sure to make a mental note to get them some Christmas gifts. Looking outside their was so much snow, Aria wanted to go outside immediately. Just not at the moment, she was in the middle of her Charms class. Today was the last day of classes before the students are allowed to go home for the Holidays.

Professor Flitwick was telling everyone what they should work on over their winter break in other words homework. None of the teachers skipped out on assigning the students work and a lot of it. Last Friday Professor Snape assigned an essay about the 12 uses of dragon's blood a minimum of five rolls of parchment.

"Alright have a good holiday and remember to do your work. Class dismissed"

The corridors in the castle where frozen, students had to watch their footing so they don't slipped and fall. Aria almost slipped if Harry wasn't beside her, she grabbed his shoulder to regain her balance.

"Just walking to class is like a walking death trap" Aria exclaimed.

"Indeed, but at least this is our last class" Harry added

"Then we're free! No school work ah sounds perfect" Ron said happily

"Don't forget about your planners. We have plenty of homework to do over the holidays." Hermione spoke

Ron started to groan "You don't have to kill the fun, Hermione"

"I wasn't! I was just making sure you remember. Wouldnt want to do the work last minute. I'm already halfway done with the essay for potions myself" She smiled slightly being proud.

Ron just rolled his eyes

"Move out of the way! it's the firecracker!" A slytherin student mocking Aria as they pushed their way through the crowded corridor.

"Firecracker, Firecracker, Firecracker." others started chanting, joining in on the joke.

"Honestly! your worse then Seamus!" another slytherin sneered.

Hermione just shot a glare at the group they walked passed.

"Just ignore them" Hermione said.

Aria just nodded stayed quiet, saying ignoring them is one thing. To tell the truth, she wasn't having much faith in herself. Aria knew it was true, Seamus spells made explosions on numerous occasions however amongst the random sparks, loud screeching noises and small fires her wand set off seemed much more dangerous than magical.

They reached their last class of the day Transfiguration. Aria sat down, immediately laying her head on the desk. The teasing as well as the little-to-no progress she had made with her wand situation has left Aria glad she was going home for the holidays.

Professor McGonagall walked in the room and all of the students became quiet. That was Aria's cue to sit up and pay attention.

"I just need to get through this class" Aria thought to herself.

Professor McGonagall was giving a lecture about the switching spell for half of the class period and let them practice the remainder of class. Many students were having difficulties with the spell. Only Hermione was able perform the spell earning ten points to Gryffindor. There was a couple of minutes left in class as Professor McGonagall started to speak once again.

"Alright everyone! To get a greater understanding on how the Switching spell works, along with it's uses, you'll be doing some homework over the break. Research and write two rolls of parchment about the spell. Now I hope you all have a good break. Class dismissed."

Students cheered as they were scrambling to leave the room. Packing up their things, Aria and Hermione joined the crowd unable to contain their excitement. They were to leave tomorrow morning. When they entered their room Celeste was asleep on the bed, lately she didn't want to leave the Gryffindor tower. She hated how slippery and cold the corridors were, Celeste much preferred to be somewhere warm.

"What are you going to do over the break Hermione?" Aria asked as she started to pack some things for the trip home. Homework to be more specific.

"Oh, i'm not sure. Honestly, i'm just excited to go home. What about you?" She smiled.

"I'm like you, I dont know. Usually we just celebrate Christmas at home nothing really special, who knows really" Aria was looking over her suitcase making sure she isnt forgetting anything.

"Alright I'm packed. Hermione what about you?"

"All set! Let's go find Harry and Ron. They are probably in the great hall"

When you walked into the Great Hall you are hit with a variety of smells, like pumpkin pie, pine and cinnamon. Once you looked around you could see how beautifully decorated everything was. A giant Christmas tree was up front by the staff table, decorated with each of the house colors: red and gold stars, yellow and black doves, green and silver globes and blue and grey crescent moons almost floating around the tree. The enchanted ceiling made it look like it was snowing and melting before you could touch them. Who ever decorated the great hall for the holidays always did a great job.

They found the boys sitting at the table playing wizard's chess. The girls walked over and watched them play until their game ended. Ron was the winner it was something he was very good at. The group just started to chat among themselves before Fred and George came around with a deck of cards in their hands. The twins were showing them how to play Exploding Snap. The card's exploding always made Aria jump whenever it would happen, this was a fun way to pass the time. It was like time passed in no time as it was already time for them go to bed.

The next day the common room was filled with a lot of more students than usual. Everyone was ready to go home for the holidays. The group sat by the window it was the least crowded as they would just talk random subjects such as which jelly bean tasted the worst, and why Snape such a jerk to Gryffindors. Aria looked up at the clock seeing the time.

"It's about time for us to go guys" Aria spoke up, frowning slightly.

"we'll walk you" Harry said standing up.

"I'll have some presents for you guys when I get back" Hermione said smiling.

"Just nothing that involves homework" Ron added.

Harry and Ron walked the girls to the train, giving them their good bye hugs it was time to board the train back home.

The train ride back to Kings Cross wasn't terrible, Aria sat with Hermione as they decided to start on some school work, thinking it would be easier to get some out of the way. By the time the train pulled into the station, both of them had finished their Transfiguration essay along with their Muggle studies essay. Aria waited for Hermione as they got off the train together she gave her a quick hug saying goodbye as Aria already saw her parents there. Running up to her father she gave him a hug then one to her mother.

"I've missed you both so much!" Aria exclaimed. Celeste popped her head out of Aria's bag and meowed.

"Celeste missed you too" Aria added quickly.

Ian laughed slightly as he patted Aria's shoulder

"haha i'm glad, lets go back home. Victor should be getting home by now too" Emerald spoke smiling. She was leading the way to the portkey that would take them back to their house.

"Good! I was hoping that Vic would be home for Christmas" Aria smiled brightly, this is what she just need to be home with her family.

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