Classes, Classes, Classes!

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I just own my own characters. Everything Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling~

The prefects escorted all of the first years to the Gryffindor tower and stopped in front of a fat lady portrait. Percy who was the male prefect and also Ron's older brother told the portrait the password which was caput draconis as the portrait opened as everyone went inside. The common room was so welcoming, with the red/maroon colors, the fireplace Aria couldn't help but wonder the others common room's looked like...Everyone was told where their dorms where located at.

Aria and Hermione were in the same room with two other girls. Aria went over and claimed her bed she went to her truck and pulled out a piece of parchment and started to write a letter to her parents. The letter would tell her parents what house she was sorted in and hoped they were not be mad since the family have only been in Slytherin. Walking down the stairs there were a few students and stopped a girl with a prefect badge on. Aria asked if she could send the letter for her since she wasn't sure where to find the owlrly. The girl agreed and left the room to go deliver her letter. Aria was going to bed early since it was a long day today and tomorrow would be an even bigger one.

Aria woke up early the next morning and went to the bathroom to take shower and felt more awake now. As she dressed in her school robes and woke up celeste as she stretched and yawned. She looked up at Aria and mewed

"Come on Celeste it's our first day today so lets go get something to eat for breakfast time to jump in my bag"

Celeste jumped in Aria's back and stuck her head out of the bag. Aria made her way to the great hall getting a bit confused along the way not exactly sure where to go... eventually she just followed older students and was able to make her way to the great hall and was able to sit down and eat some breakfast. Classes didn't start for a little while so Aria just relaxed and stayed and waited for her friends to get there. Celeste jumped out of Aria's bag and sat next to her meowing wanting something to eat.

"Your such a weird cat. Not liking cat food... guess i should find a type of cat food you like" Aria then set some cut up fruit and some sausage on a plate and placed the plate in front of Celeste with a small bowl of cream as she meowed happily and started eating. Aria was looking over her schedule for her classes. She had a busy week ahead of her but the good thing about it is that Ron, Harry and Hermione all had the same classes. She even heard that she had some classes with the Slytherins so she was able to see Draco which made her happy.

Eventually Ron and Harry were able to get to the Great Hall though it seemed like they had just as a hard trouble as her. She waved to catch their attention and they went over and sat in front of her.

"wow... we got lost so many times trying to get here" Ron sighed and started to eat his food quickly since they only had a few minutes before they should go to their classes.

Celeste finished eating and jumped down and meowed at Aria. Looking down Celeste seemed like she was ready go off on her own and explore the castle.

Aria picked up Celeste and petting her before setting her back down

"Alright but pay attention to where you are going and try not get lost. Also! be back by nine so people can let you in. Remember our common room entrance is the Fat lady painting."

Celeste meowed understanding what Aria said and started to walk out of the Great Hall to start her adventure!

While Aria was sipping on her juice she heard bird sounds as she looked up at the sky there were a bunch of owls flying in they were finding their respected owners and where given the post for the day. Harry looked so awestruck seeing so many owls and they were able to find their owners amazed him. An owl landed in front of Aria she recognized him as the family owl.

"Thank you. Here a treat" she handed him a treat as he cooed and flew off. Looking at the sender she saw it was from her family.

"Any mail for you guys?" She asked as she opened up her letter

"Nah just the daily profit for me" Ron spoke up

Harry just shook his head no

"Who is the letter from Aria?" Harry asked being curious

"Just my parents they told me to write them telling them what house I was sorted it. I was SO surprised "

"Oh why is that?" Harry spoke

"Well... My family has always been in Slytherin I was expecting it to be honest I was shocked I wasn't"

"But Aria you aren't stuck up and mean to be in there,The Slytherin are just a bunch of jerks" Ron commended

"No... But neither was my older brother but he was sorted into Slytherin anyways... Though according to the letter my parents aren't mad just surprised since they expected slytherin as well also.. Apparently my great great grandfather was in Gryffindor before so that's news to me maybe that is why? I'm not sure but I like Gryffindor I think it suits me" Aria smiled at her two friends

" Definitely " Harry spoke before he got up

"Best we go to our classes" Harry said as they nodded and looked at their map to try and find their way to their first class of the day which was...Herbology then they were free which sounded good to them! Herbology was an interesting class as well as Madam Sprout she reminded Aria of a plant. Learning the basics of how to care of plants and their magical properties. They had a lecture about the a Spiky bush and there was their to show them since it is always good to have a visual example! Since class went by quickly today they had free time, Aria went by herself to explore a bit.

Tuesday was Herbology once again simple enough it was just some more lectures of some plants and they were taught how to take care of one. It was so weird a Bouncing Bulb was it's name just jumping around. It took Aria about fifteen minutes to catch it and try to restrain it, though it kept trying to hit her. So good thing she kept it away from her face since she saw a lot of other students where getting smacked in the face.

Trying to get to her next class Defence against the Dark Arts was so difficult. Peeves the poltergeist saw that Aria was on her own lost and pointed her in the wrong direction she was wandering around for what seemed like hours was really just 10 minutes. Lucky she was since she found a nice ghost that showed her the way. Thinking she missed a lot of important of information... she didnt, class hasn't even started yes which was a real let down... Thinking they would learn of the dark creatures in the wizarding world or something along those lines... Professor Quirrell was more of a scatter brain so they didnt learn much of anything so Aria just doodled on the parchment paper.

By far Aria's favorite class has been Astronomy. Just being up so late and just studying the stars and planets was so interesting! Celeste loves the class as well since she joined Aria to the first class let's her stay out later. What she didn't like was all of the Homework... Maybe a little too much for her liking... but what do you expect? It is school... Aria tries to stay on top of her work but get's lazy for the most part. This is why having Hermione around is great she bothers you enough to actually do your work and helps if you have a question about something.

When Aria got in front of the fat lady portrait usually Celeste was outside waiting for her. She has been doing very well listening to her orders. Every day since she gave Celeste the orders she was either in front of the portrait waiting for Aria or was already in Aria's bed asleep. Which was so nice not having to worry about where she is at night since she was always there. It was time to go to bed early for the night since tomorrow would be another big day.

From Slytherin to Gryffindor adventure Awaits!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon