Christmas with the Lacroix Family

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Spending the holidays with her family was the best. Time was going by so quickly, it was already Christmas Eve. Everyone in the Lacroix family was home, Ian and Emerald were not needed at work so they stayed home. Lilith had already prepared meals for Christmas and Christmas Eve before hand so she is off with her own family. Aria was laying on the carpet on her stomach playing with Celeste. Aria had a small toy that would create a small ball of light. Sending it off Celeste would go chasing after trying to catch it.



"Can we go to Diagon Alley?"

"For what?"

"I need to buy presents for my friends at school"

"You have friends? Ow haha I was only joking" Aria had punched Victor's arm before smiling.

"So can we go?"

"Sure. Better than staying here. Mom and Dad are at work."

"Yay! Celeste you be good and don't get into any trouble. I'll go get my shoes."

Running up stairs to her room and quickly grabbing some shoes she came down seeing Victor already had his shoes on. He had apparated to his room and grabbed his shoes. Aria groaned being jealous.

"I cant wait till I turn seventeen"

"Haha you got a long way to go squirt"

Aria rolled her eyes.

Victor and Aria used the floo powder to get to Diagon Alley. It was more crowded than usual, despite how cold it was. Christmas was just in a couple of days. Aria and Victor started to go around looking through the windows of variety of shops.

"I guess we can also get some presents for mom and dad. What are your friends names?" Victor spoke he had his hands in his pockets as he walked.

"there is Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, oh and Harry Potter"

"The Harry Potter? Does he have the scar? I can't believe you made friends with someone famous that's pretty amazing Ari"

"I know right? I was shocked I met him on the train ride. I guess i got lucky. Oh let's go in this shop" Aria walked into the shop.

After spending thirty minutes in the shop Aria had bought everything she needed to buy.

"Perfect! That shop had everything! I hope they like their gifts" Aria smiled.

"Well based on what you told me about them i'm sure they will"

"Vic let's go eat i'm starving"

"Leaky Cauldron?"


Aria and Victor spend a majority of the day in Diagon Alley getting a quick bite to eat. Then they had to go on a difficult task. What to get their parents. Victor and Aria went into many different shops not knowing what to get. A majority of the time they found things they would like themselfs. After a while they finally found something to get for their parents going home. Having a successful day of shopping for the both of them.

Christmas morning! Aria woke up early grabbing Celeste and ran to her brothers room knocking on the door.

"Wake up Wake up Wake up Vic! It's Christmas! Lets go see the presents!" Aria was being loud as she opened Victor's door entering his room. Victor groaned in protest.

"Go away, it's too early"

"Nooopppeee! Now get up!"


"Fine, I'll be sure to take all of your presents then"

"You wouldn't"

"Try me. Now get up. Celeste jump"

Celeste jumped out of Aria's arms and on to Victors stomach as he made a small oof sound groaning slightly.

"Fine" Victor let out a frustrated sigh as he got up. Glaring at Aria for a second before leaving to go downstairs. Aria followed him with Celeste just behind them proud of themselves.

When they got down stairs the presents were were under the smaller tree in the living room; the fireplace already bright and crackling. Aria ran over excited as she looked over seeing the pile of presents.

"Shouldn't we wake up mom and dad?" Victor asked as he yawned.

"Oh right! You can go do that! I'll Sort out the presents"

Celeste started to play with some of the ribbons on the presents.

Aria was sorting the presents in five different piles. A pile for her, Victor, Mother, Father and even Celeste. Once everyone gathered into the living area Aria had a big smile on her face.

"I already organized everyone's presents!" Aria grinned

Everyone gathered around sitting on the couch as Aria would hand presents for everyone. As they started to open their own presents. Victor got some new clothing that was slightly resistant to certain types of magic, along with a device that can detect danger. Perfect for his Auror training.

"Oh cool! I've seen some of the other Aurors have this! Helps when you're trying to be sneaky." Victor smiled

Aria got some new clothes, a necklace from her mother, and a broom.

"Oh my gosh!" Aria was completely surprised.

"We remember how you told us you're going to try out for the quidditch team next year. So we thought after this term when you become a second year we can practice during the summer" Emerald smiled

"Yes! Thank you soo much!" Aria was bursting with happiness.

Celeste got a new cat toy. Showing that she was happy as well, she was rubbing against everyone's legs and purring loudly.

"We are going to have a section of the back yard dedicated for your quidditch practice. Fully equipped. Means we can all play then haha" Ian smiled

For Emerald she got clothes, jewelry that matched her eyes. Lastly she got a mirror. That knew the weather and told her what to wear according to it.

"Oh perfect. The weather always catches me off guard these days"

For Ian he got some new dress robes and self tying ties. The best thing was a small cube that was enchanted to bring him snacks and drinks while he was busy at work.

"This is great! I hate having to leave when I have piles of work to do. Thank you everyone!" Ian was pleased.

It was fun, spending some time together; catching up with everyone and telling funny stories. The perfect day before Ian and Emerald had to go back to work after boxing day.

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