Happy to be home!

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The second the Lacroix family got home their house elf Lillith greeted them.

"Welcome back everyone, oh miss Aria it's great to see you I have missed you dearly. If you are looking for Mr. Victor he is in the kitchen eating at the moment"

Aria bend down and gave Lillith a quick hug. Celeste took this opportunity to jump out of Aria's bag to walk around the house to explore.

"I've missed you too. It's so great to be home"

Standing back up Aria was looking over at the entrance area, right in the middle stood a giant Christmas tree that was practically touching the ceiling. Decorated with variety of colors and sizes ball-balls. Around the tree where also floating specks lighting up red and green, lastly the best part was the gold star that stood on the very top of the christmas tree. All along the staircase was decorated with holly leaves. Even the living room area they were standing in had a medium sized christmas tree in the corner.

"VICTOR!" Aria yelled out as she ran into the dining room.

Victor was sitting at the dining room table, his hair was all over the place. He even looked like he was about to fall asleep while he was about to take a bite. Yawning he looked up hearing his name.

"Oh" Victor yawned loudly

"Nice to see you Ari. I just got back, i'm so tired" Victor kept yawning.

Aria smiled as she took a seat next to him. There was a small christmas tree in the middle of the dining room table. Soon Ian and Emerald joined their children. It was time for dinner. Roast beef and mashed potatoes with their choice of drink. Victor finished first, excusing himself from the table.

"I'm going to bed early i'll see everyone in the morning" He said slowly, as he left the room.

"Tomorrow we are going to take the christmas portrait in the morning so be sure to look nice" Her mother spoke as she sipped her tea.

"Oh right we need to have the family portrait changed for the season" Aria smiled she finished up her meal excusing herself as well.

"it's been a long day so i'm going to bed good night mother, good night father" Aria smile leaving the room going up the stairs. Taking a left at the top of the staircase walking down the hallway then took a right. Aria's bedroom was the third door on the right, their was a plate on the door that read 'Aria'. Taking a deep breath she placed her hand on the handle it's been so long, turning the knob and pushing forward she entered her room.

Everything was just as she left it. Two large windows with purple silk curtains, double doors that lead out to a small balcony. The view from the balcony showed their enormous back yard, normally it would have a lot of flowers. However since it winter, everything was a thick blanket of snow; a snowy wonderland. The rest of her room had light purple walls with white trimming. The floors were light grey wood leading to the double doors out towards the balcony. There was even a small fireplace sitting area that had a large persian rug with intricate designs. On top of the rug there was a chaise lounge, the frame was silver while the cushion was a deep purple. Beside it was a small table.

There other half of the room where her bed was located. Another large persian rug covered the floor where the four-poster queen sized bed sat. the post was made of a dark glossy mahogany wood. With white drapes tied to the posts. The bed clothes were a silk silver purple color. The front of the bed had two nightstands on either side. Then to the left of her bed stood a wide large dresser that was white with a large mirror on top. Lastly on top of the dresser where a few pictures.

Aria walked over and sat on her bed. Exhaling happily she laid down, it feels so great to be home. Not even bothered to change in to her night wear she fell asleep instantly.

Knock Knock

"Miss Aria it is time to wake up. Mr. Lacroix said they are going to take the picture so to get dress" Lillith said loud enough for Aria to hear.

Groaning while sitting up rubbing her eyes.

"Alright i'll. Be there soon" Aria yawned.

A good shower is what should wake her up. Dragging herself out of bed walking into her own bathroom. She took a hot shower that knocked the sleepiness right out of her. (details?) After taking her shower Aria wrapped a towel around her going into her walk in closet that was located in her bathroom. Her closet was organized from casual clothing to formal, with a large variety of shoes on the floor.

"Let's see... Christmas photo so something red or green?" Aria spoke to herself out loud as she was looking through her dresses.

After many debates she settled on a green dress with red ribbon that wrapped around her waist, with silver flats. Her hair had a holly leaf on the side so she looked more festive. She probably took over 20 minutes to decide what to wear. Finally she left her room to see that everyone was already downstairs waiting for her. Her father wore black dress pants with a green vest with a red tie. Mother wore a simple red dress her hair was down for once. Victor didn't do anything crazy just a suit with a green tie.

"Took you long enough Ari, you need to fix that habit of yours" Victor teased. He was back to normal after a good night's rest.

Aria just rolled her eyes and chuckled slightly

"Sure i'll try" she laughed.

Everyone walked into the living room area. The camera was already set up by the christmas tree. Ian stood next to Emerald in the back, while Aria and Victor were in the front.

"Ready whenever you are Lilith" Ian spoke lightly

"Yes Yes now. one two and three!" Lilith was taking the picture.

Everyone was still before Ian took out a mistletoe from behind his back and started to kiss everyone. Emerald let him while Aria and Victor were trying to avoid him a bit but failed in the end. Everyone was laughing and smiling.

"Ha I bet that will be a good one" Ian grinned slightly as he took his wand touching the camera. He then walked into the other room climbing up the stairs stopping in front of the portrait. Just touching it the picture changed it to them just now, movements and all. This is what would be on display until the holidays were over. Have to love enchanted portraits, you could even set how long they are displayed for.

"Perfect timing. I'm off to work i'll see everyone when i get home" Ian announced as he walked to the fireplace using the floo powder to get to work.

"Finally that's done and over with. I can change now" Victor grinned as he apperated away into his room and came back seconds later in his casual attire. (details) Aria had to walk to her room to change since she isnt allowed to do magic at home. For her to change it took about five minutes before she came down the stairs again. Aria looked around seeing Victor was sitting on the couch in the living room. Decided to join him she sat on one of the arm chairs.

"Happy to be home Vic?"

"So happy. The training to be an Auror is intense!" Victor looked up remembering some of the training he had to go through chuckling to himself.

"But! i've learned a bunch of new spells" He grinned.

"ohhhh tell me all about it!" Aria spoke being excited.

"Heh alright but it's a long one"

Victor told Aria about his first set of Auror training. Leaving out some classified information of course, but left all the good stuff in. He was bragging a bit telling Aria about some of the spells he learned that have saved his life and never even knew about.

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