Friends no more?

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I only own my characters~ All things Harry Potter belong to JK Rowling~

Friday Friday Friday! finally the first week of classes was almost over! The only class they had today was double potions with the Slytherins. Aria didnt mind that but Ron and Harry where not looking forward to that in the slightest. They hated the thought of just being in the same room as the Slytherins especially Draco well... Malfoy according to them. Also Snape was Head of the Slytherin house so apparently he played favorites They all walked together to Potions it was in one of the dungeons The class was divided...big surprise... Gryffindor and Slytherins on each side of the class. It was Ron, Harry, Hermione then Aria they sat in the middle of the class. Everyone was silent when Professor Snape started taking attendance.

"Ah Harry Potter our new celebrity" he said softly

Draco and his friends where snickering in the back. As Aria looked over at Harry who looked like he wanted to crawl under a rock.

Snape was going down the attendance list again when he stopped

"Aria Lacroix?"

"" She raised her hand slightly.

"Ah another Lacroix?, interesting how you are in Gryffindor instead of Slytherin... Your brother has done exceptionally well so i expect good things from you."

Snape started explain to the class some of the things they will be learning in class as long they werent a big bunch of idiots...he looked around the class getting ready to pick his first victim.

"Potter!" Snape called on him first... poor soul

Then Professor Snape started to bombard Harry with a bunch of questions that he didnt have any clue how to answer them and he answered honestly saying he didnt know. Hermione on the other hand kept raising her hand in the air wanting to answer the questions but Snape did not give her the time of day. Draco and his friends looked like they were about to fall out of their seats from laughing so much.


Aria gulp it was her turn to get pick on this time.... there is way too much pressure....

"If i told you to find me a bezoar where would you look?"

Aria was silent.. feeling eyes all on her again Hermione's hand was in the air yet again... She exhaled, she knows the answer... good thing her brother gave her the tip to read the first few chapters of the potions text book.

"The location to find a bezoar would be taken from the stomach of a goat because it is a stone. Also... a bezoar will save you from most poisons."

Snape turned away Aria not telling her if she was right for wrong as he started to write things on the chalkboard. During that time Aria was quickly looking through the potions book to see if she got the answer right or wrong as she scrolled through the pages as she sighed in relief seeing she got the answer correct. After Snape finished writing on the board he looked at the class eyeing them down

"I will be putting you into pairs to make a simple potion to cure boils. The instructions are on the board. All of you will have two hours after i put you in your pairs."

Harry and Ron were paired together then it was Aria and Hermione. Though not everything was going very smoothly for the Gryffindors since Snape would be so nit picky with everything that they did. Even picked on some of the Slytherins but not Draco... looks like he was the favorite of the class.

Aria and Hermione both copied the instructions on parchment paper quickly so they did not have to constantly look up at the board. Hermione went to grab the other ingredients they needed as Aria started to weigh the dried nettles carefully. The two of them worked well together as it seemed like everything was going as instructed. Snape walked over to their cauldron and started to criticize the smallest things like the needed to crush the snake fangs into a finer powder. Even how they cut their ingredients saying it was a centimeter too long, neither of them dared to make any remarks no matter how much they wanted too...

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