Chapter 4 - Roomates

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"Well that's the thing," Ethan says.

"We actually need to tell you something"

Instantly negative thoughts wandered through my head, were my parents injured? Is someone hurt? Did Cam get into a fight? Does someone have cancer, oh god, what if its me that has cance-

"Hey Carmelita, you ok?" Jade asks nervously.

"Oh what yea uhm what is it that you need to tell me?" I ask, sick to my stomach for their answer.

"Well... WE'RE ALL GONNA BE ROOMMATES!!" Ethan yells excitedly.

"Are you joking me." I say with a stony expression.

"What? Your not happy bout this arrangement gorgeous?" asks Grayson.


"Hey hey hey its ok, it's nothing like that," Ethan says, walking up to me to embrace me in a hug.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Jade looking down at the ground. She must not be happy with this arrangement at all, seeing me and Ethan get this close. I gently push Ethan back towards Jade and she looks at me gratefully.

"You gotta stop expecting the worse Carm," Says Cameron

"Better than expecting the best and getting your hopes crushed," I reply.

"Deep," adds Grayson, munching on some chips.

"HEY! WHERE'D YOU GET THOSE CHIPS! THEY'RE MY FAVOURITE! GET BACK HERE!" I yell as i realize Grayson is eating MY corn chips. He runs away from me as i try grab them out of his hands.

"Caring is sharing," he says with a smile.

"It's sharing is caring you doucheface," I smartly say back.

"Even better," he grins.

I hop over the couch and give him a light smack on the face with the back of my hand so that it doesn't actually hurt him.

"That's for taking my favourite food." I say

"That may be your favourite food but at least i didn't take away your favourite dessert." he says with a smirk.

"What? I still have my ice cream though" I reply back, oblivious to his innuendo.

"Oh my god Grayson don't even go there with my sister." Cameron says as he rolls his eyes.

"Ok everyone, how bout we just continue with what we were saying before," says Ethan.

"Right right sorry i got us off topic," i say.

"Apology accepted," Grayson says

"What'd you say smartass?" I point a look at Grayson.

"I didn't say nuthin," 

"Can we PALEASE move on from here," Ethan says, obviously starting to get annoyed. Is he jealous?

"Right right ok yep focused purely on our roomy situation." I say

"Thank you, now as we intended to say before when we first came here - We're all going to be rooming together," Says cameron

"That includes me," Jade says with a smile. Her perfection is starting to annoy me, she even has pearly white teeth.

"Ok but why?" I ask questioningly

"Well, mom and dad said that they would finally allow us to move out -" Cam says.


"Anyways, as i was saying, mom and dad will let us move out because they're gonna be away on their trip for a bit longer than they thought but only if we stick together and hey, if we're gonna stick together we might as well stick with some friends." Cam says.

"um excuse me, they're YOUR friends," I say, a little bit too rudely.

"Hey what am i?" Ethan and Gray say at the same time.

"You," I say pointing to Grayson "Are the fuckboy, and you" I say pointing to Ethan "You're cool."

Ethan smirks at Grayson while Grayson rolls his eyes. 

"Ok, and Jade is coming because she actually lives with Ethan anyway because Gray and E moved out when they were 15 -"

"15?! HOLY SHIT - " I interupt. Again

"WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP INTERUPTING," Cam yells, rather loudly.

"Sorry sorry, my mouth is sealed until your done," I apologetically say.

"So because the dolans moved out when they were 15 it means that they can move around where they please as long as their parents agree so they said we can all flat together. Jade will be staying with us for Ethan and for you Carm, so that you're not the only girl in the house and you guys can do that girl stuff like watching mean girls and doing your nails," Cam says.

I'm finding it really hard not to say anything. What if i don't like this Jade chick? She's way to perfect to be real. And obviously Grayson is gonna try pull a move on me. And what about me and Ethan? I honestly feel something between us but i don't wanna get in the way between him and his girl. Oh life is complicated.

"Ok well what if i don't want to stay with you guys," I say.

"Then mom said you had to stay at home. By yourself." Cam replied

OH HELL NO I ain't staying at home alone. I get scared hella easily and staying home is a big fat no for me.

"Uh yea, staying with you guys sound like a good plan." I say quickly.

"Great! Than it's settled. We're moving out during school break," Cam says.

"But that's at the end of this week," I say.



* Authors Note *

The header is Jade.

How was this chapter for everyone? Sorry that it was a bit short but i felt like the only way to make it longer was by adding a new section (them moving in) which i didn't want to do because i want a full chapter dedicated to them moving in. You get what i mean? So yeah.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and see you next time! 

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