Teenagers (Gerard Way X Reader)

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lenny rating: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ

(Yes one and a half ok)

~disclaimer~ guys i dont really condone underage drinking but this story has some in it. sorry //:

You're bored.

You're 17, at a party, barely drunk, and bored.

Parties aren't really your thing, either. You only showed up because you got a stupid invitation stuck to your locker (from nobody specific, by the way), and later heard Gerard would be here, and any time you get to so much as breathe the same air as him is time well spent in your opinion.

One thing, though. You haven't seen Gerard all night.

You groan and pick yourself up from the corner where you were leaning on the wall to go and grab yourself another drink when you hear some yelling at the front of the house. You don't know if it's because you're a little buzzed or if it's because it's a crowded ass party, but you can't hear anything except for a bunch of "Hey dude"s and "Get in here"s.

You shrug and continue to pour yourself a drink when you see Gerard pass by the sliding glass door in front of you. You inhale some vodka and cough slightly, happy he even showed up. He makes brief eye contact with you before continuing to walk wherever he's walking to.

After you regain yourself you aimlessly walk around the house before you reach the backyard, where a huge bonfire is lit. You join the crowd, who is dancing to Nirvana, and try your best to spot Gerard. Just then, you see him and smile, and to your surprise, he smiles back. As you lose sight of him in the crowd, the song ends and someone yells before pushing you into the small clearing between the crowd and the fire.

"Hey! Who the fuck invited this emo?" A boy on the football team yells. You shrug. Shit like this happens all the time. Right as he gathers his friends and begins to begin their usual routine of ragging on you for listening to your ''gross emo shit music'' and for '' showing up to a party you weren't even fucking invited to", Gerard breaks through the crowd.

"Can't you all just shut the fuck up and leave her alone? I invited her," He says, grabbing your arm and leading you out of the backyard with him. You hear your blood pumping in your ears, your arm burning from where his hand is firmly yet carfully grabbing you, and stumble away into the house with him.

"Um," you stutter out, following him all over god's creation.

"Follow me,'' he begins, "We need to talk."

You shrug again and follow him upstairs to what seems to be a bedroom, and walk inside.

"I'm sorry, you must be really confused..." he starts again.

You look at him and raise a brow before nodding.

''Why did you invite me to this party?" you ask, unfolding your arms and sticking your hands in your back pockets.

"I wanted to talk to you," He says.

You wait in silence, giving him plenty of time to continue that thought, and when he doesn't, you groan.

''About...?" You edge him on.

"I don't really know how to explain this... And it's gonna sound really cliche but... All my friends have been telling me to just tell you that I like you."

Wow. Okay. You look away from him and to the floor, pursing your lips and sticking them out a bit. That was probably the most cliche and most blunt way of telling someone that you like them, but you go with it anyway.

"Look, if you're joking with me please stop, I don't appreciate it..." You say, beginning to look up. You go to continue your statement when Gerard pulls you over to him by the arm and kisses you. Your body grows stiff for a few moments before relaxing and allowing him to push you back a few feet.

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