Authors Note #1

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I've had an unbelievable amount of shit happen to me in the last couple months that I won't bore you with (;
Just know, I'm still working on your requests (yes I know I've told some of you that personally and I'm sure it's getting repetitive,) but believe me, it's entirely true.
I hope to be finishing up some new chapters for you guys very soon, and I look forward to getting back into my original uploading schedule.
Until then, requests (for now) are C L O S E D.
I'm sorry if any of you out there wanted to give me more requests, but I've gotten a TON of them and I'm still working to finish them. I hope to be opening them soon.
I hope all of you are having an amazing start to summer break, and I look forward to entertaining you with my (awfully written, if I do say so myself) smut.
Have a wonderful day/night (timezones are crazy)!

PS: if any of you need someone to talk to about anything, please feel free to contact me. also, if any of you out there are feeling lost and upset, please, DO NOT SELF HARM. it's a very bad habit and it's IMPOSSIBLE to shake off (I would know, I still haven't quite kicked it). also, please, if you feel that you can't take it anymore, call someone. if you need it, here's the national suicide prevention lifelines number: 1-800-273-TALK (talk in number form is 8255). sorry to make an extremely dark PS, but I felt that it's necessary.
have a wonderful night and remember that you are amazing and loved.
good bye.

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