Family Devotions

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"But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."

+ Matthew 6:6 +

     Bedtime prayers are often limited to reciting a poem or saying a little memorized prayer. However, bedtime prayers can become family devotions if the entire family gathers at the bedside of the child who retires first.

    Each member of the family says a heartfelt prayer that is spontaneous and unrehearsed. A verse or two of Scripture might be read prior to prayer. The point of such a devotional time is not that children are obedient to say a prayer before sleep, but that the children's heart are knit to the heart of God and to the hearts of other family members.

    Albert Schweitzer once commented on the need for parents to provide an example in devotion:

          From the services in which I joined as a child I have taken with me into life a feeling for what is solemn, and a need for quiet self-recollection, without which I cannot realize the meaning of my life. I cannot, therefore, support the opinion of those who would not let the children take part in grown-up people's services till they to some extent understand them. The important thing is not that they shall understand but that they shall feel something of what serious and solemn. The fact that a child sees his elders full of devotion, and has to feel something of devotion himself, that is what gives the service its meaning for him.

    Give family devotions a try soon! :)

"When I am with God my fear is gone;

In the great quiet of God my troubles 

are as the pebbles on the road, 

my joys are like the everlasting hills." 

Author's Note:

Hi, guys! I would like to thank all of you who read this book. I hope it touches your heart. :)

This will be the last Chapter. I'm working on the Second book. Hope you check it out too.

Till then!

~Triple A11

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