Listen for the Music

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How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?
Psalms 137:4 KJV

So many confusing sounds and noises, so much unrest, so much rapid change. But somewhere in the midst of it, a pattern could emerge; a meaning could come out of it.

Our job is to hear the music in the noise.

Sometimes, finding the melodic line is a simple matter of listening selectively-mentally tuning out all but one sound for a while. That's what happens when we sit for a few minutes and listen intently to a classmate, parent, teacher, or close friend. Once we listen and truly hear the "tune" they're playing, their unique melody will always be distinct to us, even in the cacophony of busy days.

If we are intentional about what we hear, the conflicting chaos swirling around our own symphony will be weeded out; God's music will be easier to hear.

In the midst of a busy day, it takes effort to hear all the melodies of those around you which make up the symphony of your life. But as each strain becomes distinguishable, a pattern emerges, and you can rejoice in God's unparelled creativity in His world.

Take time today to be a creative listener! ☺

Point's to ponder:
I have shown you the power of silence, how thoroughly it heals and how fully pleasing it is God... It is by silence that the saints grew... It was because of silence that the power of God dwelt in them: because of silence that the mysteries of God were known to them.

Goodmorning everyone. Hope my devotion will help you too. Keep on trusting the Lord.
Believe and keep the faith.
Thanks for vote and for reading this. ☺☺☺

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