Only You

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"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well."
-Psalm 139:14 KJV

When you stop thinking about all the intricate details involved in the normal functioning of your body- just one creation among countless species and organisms on the planet- one word is likely to come to your mind: awesome. Think about it: No one but you has ever had or ever will have your exact fingerprints, handprints, footprints, or voiceprint. And no one but you has ever had or ever will have your genetic code- that exact positioning of the many genes that define your physical characteristics.

Futhermore, nobody else has your exact history in time and space. Nobody else has gone where you've gone, done what you've done, said what you've said, or created what you have created. You are truly a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.

The Lord knows precisely how you were made and why you were made. When something in your life goes amiss, He knows how to fix it. When you err to stray from His commandments, He knows how to bring you back and work even the worst tragedies and mistakes for your good when you repent.

You have been uniquely fashioned for a specific purpose on the earth. He has a "design" for your life. It is His own imprint, His own mark. Make a resolution to be true to what the Lord has made you to be and to become.

"Man is heaven's masterpiece"


Thank you each and everyone for reading this. I'm so grateful to share my devotions to all of you. I hope you get a long time to talk with Him also. (^_^)

I am so inspired to see that many of you are reading this.
I know God will be glad too.

Thanks for reading and continuing reading this, Moments with God.
To those who vote, thank you also. You can read also my other stories.

Goodnight everyone.
Have a sweet and quiet sleep.

Congrats to Miss Pia for getting the crown of Miss Universe 2015! Yehey!
O(≧∇≦)O( ' ▽ ' )ノ

~~~ miss triple A (●'∀`●)

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