Chapter 20- Hurtful Words

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I rub his thighs soothing him and ask "Baby what happened today?" I say kissing his neck lightly.

"He's never acted this way before" He says quietly. "Who?" I ask again. "My ex" He whispers and I freeze.

"You're ex did this?" I ask for clarification and he nods his head. "He's the one who got me fired which caused me to become a stripper" He says.

"What happened?" I repeat. And he sighs "I was at the store because I was really craving these chips so I bought them and I walked past the alley to go to my car and he grabbed me he started saying these awful things and he pushed me to the ground started kicking me and the he turned me on my stomach and took his belt off and started hitting my back with it" He says

"T-then he took my pants off and he proceeded to rape me. It was the most painful thing in my entire life I was so scared all I could think about was you all I wanted was you" He said crying again. I rub his thighs again and kiss the nape of his neck. "You're safe now. Is that what the nightmares were about?" I ask and he nodded "And you were laughing saying I deserve it" He whispers

I kiss his cheek "You will never deserve that" I say to him. " I'm gonna kill that bastard" I growl

Wyatt put's his hand on my cheek and I look at him. "I'm okay" He says and kisses my lips softly.

"You're not okay! He touched you! God Wyatt he touched what is mine and I couldn't help you because I stayed after at work. I should have came home when I was supposed to! I should of went to the store with you!" I yell

Wyatt turns in my arms and straddles me and puts his arms around my neck and touches his forehead with mine. "Monkey stop please" He says softly. "Don't blame yourself you didn't do anything wrong. It is nobody's fault except for the man who did this to me" He whispers kissing me softly.

"But you're hurt" I whimper and he tightens his arms around me. "I'm okay babe. I promise I'll be okay you just have to help through it okay?" He says

"You have to tell the police" I say and he sighs "I just want to forget about it" he says

"I know you do babe... but what if he does this to someone else?" I question and he nods his head in understanding.

"Okay. Okay I'll tell the police" He says and I kiss his forehead. "I have a connection with someone at the police station I'll have him come down so that you don't have to go there" I say and he smiles at me in thanks.

I wash our bodies and grab the towel and wrap it around my waist. I stand Wyatt up and grab a towel for him and wrap it around his waist. I move back and he quickly wraps his arms around my neck so I grab the back of his thighs and lift him up and he wraps his legs around my waist and hides into the crook of my neck.

I lay him down on the bed and remove his towel he blushes under my gaze and I smile softly.

"Naked or clothed?" I ask him and he bites his lip. "Naked" He blushes and I nod my head and dry him off. I dry myself off and then climb into bed with him.

I look at the clock to see that its 3 AM. "Go to sleep baby we have your appointment tomorrow" I tell him and he nods his head and cuddles into my chest.

We fall asleep and I wake up at 9:30 and gently shake Wyatt awake. "Button it's time to get up we have to get ready for your appointment" I tell him and he opens his eyes.

"Fuck off I'm not going" He says with emotionless eyes.

I raise my brow "Yeah you are" I say and he glares at me.

"No I'm not. I don't give a shit about this damn baby I wish I would have gotten an abortion" He hisses.

I look at him anger slowly rising "You may not want this baby but I do. So get your ass up and get ready or I will drag your ass to the appointment. I'M going to check on my daughter whether you like it or not!" I yell

I grab Scarlette who is just waking up and just as I go to leave he screams "I HATE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH I WISH I NEVER MET YOU!" Ignoring the stabbing pain in my heart I close the door and go downstairs.

I see Brayden and Sophia staring at me with worry. "What was that about?" They asked and I shake my head going to the fridge and opening it up and grabbing a bottle and walking to the microwave and microwaving the bottle for 30 seconds.

When the microwave beeps I grab it and test the milk on my skin before rubbing the nipple gently against Scarlette's mouth until she opens up and starts sucking on it.

"I have no clue what just happened all I know is what he said make me so pissed at him that I can't even look at him right now" I say

"Dad?" I hear Parker's sleepy voice. "Yeah Bud?" I turn to him. "Is Daddy okay? I heard yelling and now he's crying" He says and I sigh silently.

"Yeah buddy he'll be fine. I'll go check on him" I say and Sophie puts her hands out wanting to hold Scarlette so I hand her Scarlette and I walk out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

I open the door silently and see Wyatt on the bed crying trying to hold in his sobs and hitting his head rather harshly.

I walk over to him and but my hand on his hand on his head where he keeps hitting himself.

His hand hits my hand and he looks up startled. He wipes his tears away "D-David" He whispers and I put my hand up

"I don't want to hear it Wyatt. You need to seriously start thinking about what you say." I tell him and he starts crying again and puts his hand on his stomach

"I didn't mean it! I don't know why I said it I love our daughter! I do! I-I-I don't know why I said that!" He breaks into heart wrenching sobs and I sit behind him and rub circles on his lower back trying to calm him down.

When he's calm I get up and grab his chin lightly to meet my eyes.

"Wyatt you can hate me all you want-" I start to say but he cuts me off "I don't hate you I don't! I lo-" he says but then I put my hand up silencing him.

"As I was saying. Wyatt you can hate me all you want and yes you saying you hate me hurt more than you'll ever realize. But if you EVER and I do mean EVER say anything bad about my daughter again or say that you wish you could have gotten an abortion. When she is born I will make sure you never see her or Scarlette or Parker and trust me when I say I have the power to do that. I will not have our kids living thinking you hate them that will NOT happen do you understand me?"

"They're my kids! You can't take them away from me!" He yells.

"Wyatt. If I feel like you will harm these kids whether it be physically, mentally, or emotionally. I will not hesitate to take them away from you. I love you babe I do. I love you more than I have loved anyone in my entire life. You complete me you're my whole life and I want to spend the rest of my life with you but not if you're going to hurt these kids. Now I am not saying that you're going to I am just forewarning you. You need to think first before you say something our unborn daughter did nothing wrong absolutely nothing wrong for you to say those words and if you truly wanted to get rid of her you would have but you didn't. I know you love her but you need to think before you speak. Now gets some shoes on we're going to be late if we don't head out now." I say and start walking towards the door

"David?" he says and I turn my head and look at him. "Are we still together?" He asks with watery eyes and his bottom lip trembling.

"Yes" I tell him and he nods. "Are you still mad at me?" he asks

"More than you'll ever know. I am beyond pissed at you Wyatt I don't even want to look at you right now." I say and hear him start crying again as I leave the room. I hate him crying but if I tell him it's okay every single time he does something hurtful then he'll never learn.


A/N: Well um... That escalated rather quickly. Part of me is glad that half of my chapter got erased because this chapter came out so much better then the last one.

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