
52 6 16

Okay this ones a bit sketchy and i'm not sure about it, but if you read it can you please drop me a little comment and tell me what you think it's about? Pretty please? It only takes 30 seconds? *fluttery eyelids* I could really use the feedback?

Thanks for reading :)

Your hands shaped me,

Pounded me into place,

When I was still soft, white, innocent snow.

Hard now, turning to ice,

I’ve changed.

Your fingers sculpted me,

You kicked me, hit me, rolled me around the floor,

But now I stand strong.

My eyes,

Black pieces of coal,

My nose,

Not quite straight.

My arms are contorted in odd directions,

Mere sticks, bent and broken.

I’m fully exposed, to the cold,

(and more)

As I slump, naked and on-show,

A scarf pulled tight around my neck,

Once, twice, three times, four;

Wouldn’t want it to fall off now,

Or blow away in the wind.

I’m perfect in the dark;



Almost normal, but never quite that way –

But in the sun, in the light,

You’ll find I'm swaying,

Melting, slipping away and cowering.

I was pretty, admired...

But by summer, you’ll find me


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