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Ally's POV

I wake up in a white painted room which seems very unfamiliar. My head feels so heavy as if trying to get it's way out of my skull. My body feels drained of every drop of energy and I feel as if I'm in a wholly different planet. I fail in the attempt of sitting up straight when my eyes fall on the needle inserted in my left hand. That's when I realize that I'm in the hospital and changed in the loose, light blue gown.

"Hey hey, easy. Here. Let me help you." Andrew helps me sit up on the bed giving me a relieving smile. I see Sarah, Laura, Shelly and astonishingly Austin in the room. "Thank god you're fine. I scared all of us half to death."

"What's wrong? How did I end up here?" If at all anyone can help me with the answer. Shelly explains me the whole thing when it clicks to me that mom and dad had an accident. The feeling of guilt returns in my heart, circulating throughout my system, causing pain. "Right. And that's why I'm here. I'm actually the cause of everything that happened in the past night.

"Umm. It's actually four days now that mom and dad are dead. You have been unconscious for three days. You didn't wake up for once Al." Shelly says, sitting next to me.

"I'm sorry. This is all because of me." I say just as I suddenly feel out of breath and start pulling as much air as I can to calm myself down.

"Her heart rate is rising. It's not good for you to take any kind of stress right now Ally. The stress has gotten enough of you already. We can't afford more damage. Please. I request all of you to leave so that she can rest. Nurse, Anesthesia please." I can see the doctor injecting the needle right into the drip. I grab Austin's hand who was standing right next to me.

"I'm here. Don't worry." I hear his voice fade out as sleep slowly takes over me.

This time I wake up to see Andrew asleep with hid head on my bed with Austin too, asleep on the couch. Shelly enters the room with Starbucks coffee in her hand and a bag probably containing some snacks. They all have definitely dragged themselves too much for me. 

"Oh look who's awake." Shelly says in a thrilled voice, waking the two boys up. I glare at her for this with a cold look. Andrew helps me up and kisses my forehead.

"How long?" I ask, watching as the doctor enters for check up.

"You weren't up all night." Austin replies with yawn. "But surely kept us awake he whole night." He adds with a small giggle. Andrew and Shelly leave with the doc as Austin stands up to grab a stool and drags it next to my bed.

"You were here all this time? But why? You don't even know me that well. I mean, why would you do this for a girl who was rude to you every time. You could've just left me there. Then why this?" I ask him as he returns a serious look from his eyes.

"I'm bad. But not evil Ally. You're a really nice girl. And I would never do anything which would cause trouble to you. I just want to see you happy. Because I was just too rude to you too. Plus, I promised Shelly to look after you. I'm just not that guy to break promises of pretty ladies. Especially when it's you and Shelly." He sends a wink causing a small smile on my pale face. Probably I was wrong about him all this time. But then, I never saw this caring side of him before. What is this guy? Whatever it is, this makes me feel glad that he's much more than the other part of him. I'm glad that he's here.

"You must be hungry. Better eat something." Laura enters with all the others and the doc who checks me up.

"I guess it's just 6 hours more that you'll have to stay here. We'll probably give you discharge after a little monitoring." The doc says with a warm smile as I eat my breakfast shamelessly. This feeling of something entering into my empty stomach is just so satisfying. God bless the soul of the coffee maker. "Take care." The doc exits the room.

"Okay. So I've got a surprise for you." Shelly speaks up as she gives me a big grin.

After spending the next 6 hours of the day just talking and giggling and stalking people on Facebook, the doc visits again. "Okay. So I have your discharge papers right here with me. Andrew, since you were the one to fill up the formalities of the hospital, I want you to sign these papers and clear the bill at the counter. I would like to see Ally next time only when she feels a need to visit me. And yes, I would prefer you take some more rest and resume school from the day after tomorrow. Luckily, it's Sunday tomorrow. So you may join school from Monday. Have lots of green vegetables and the medications I gave you are for the nest one week only. Okay then, I guess you can get changed now and go back home." The doc stretches her arm forward for a handshake as I put my arm forward too. The doc then leaves for one last time as Andrew follows her for completing the formalities.

I get changed into a pair of sweatpants and a loose top and tie my hair up in a bun. We head out of the hospital as Austin helps me as a support to walk until I get into his car. This is the first time I'm sitting in his car, fully conscious. We drive off until we reach the very familiar road and pull up in the driveway of our house. Just as Austin opens the gate and assists me out of the car, the cool coastal breeze refreshes my pale, exhausted face. "This feels so good." I speak up as I push myself on the soft couch in the living room.

"You might want to go and get a shower first." Shelly says, giving me a sense of realization. Austin is standing right next to me when I stink like hell. Way to go Ally!

"I guess you're right. I warm shower is such a stress reliever." I immediately walk upstairs with Sarah's help and get into the bathroom. I come out, with half of my stress already converted into freshness. I'm mostly able to walk on my own now as I get a hold of it. I march to the curtains and draw them open to see Austin asleep on the elevated marble flooring, at the edge of the window. "Austin?" I call out from the opposite window but he doesn't move an inch. Poor thing must be so tired. "Austin!" I shout louder this time waking him up in astonishment. "I'm sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. Why don't you just go and sleep on your bed? I know you've been awake most of the time. Go get some sleep or you'll fall ill." I give him a convincing smile as he nods his sleepy head and falls into his bed, closing his eyes. I walk over to my bed too and pull the cozy blanket over me as I lay on the right side, my head resting on my right palm, which in turn rests on the pillow. I look at the now asleep Austin and laugh lightly as I close my eyes. Austin isn't that bad after all.

I'm personally fascinated with how cute Niomi Smart and Marcus Butler look together. For those who don't know, Niomi Smart is playing Ally for me and Marcus Butler playing Austin McCartney. Stay in touch for updates. Until next time :) xx

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