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Austin's POV

I just keep watching Ally standing there with her sister and the others smiling and slightly laughing with a beautiful smile on her face. Her black dress, ending at mid-thigh is looking beautiful even though it's not too showy. Her pretty blonde hair, left open are swaying in the wind as amazingly as possible. One could keep looking at her smile all day. What's wrong with you Austin?! Snap out of it!

"Aus! Watcha doing here? Everyone's off to get some drinks. Hop in." Emilia says in Edward's car with the rest of my group of friends. "What are you doing? Get in!"

"You guys would like to carry on. I'm in no mood for some drinks today. I'll see you guys tomorrow." That shocking look on there face in obvious.

"Woah! Austin McCartney is refusing drinks! That is new!" Edward speaks up.

"Knock it off!" I say and start scanning through the place which give me no evidence of Ally and group. I start walking down the isolated road at 10:30 pm towards my house. I shove my hand into my pocket and pull out a cigarette. This feeling to see Ally right now is so weird. Obviously you don't like her. No way!

Ally's POV

"Laura we're home!" Shelly calls out as we close door after entering and throwing our bags carelessly on the floor. A tiring day indeed!

"Hello girls. Sarah and Andrew have been waiting for you." Laura's words fill me up with astonishment.

"Wait. What?! Andrew and Sarah. Here?" Shelly does not seem to believe in Laura's words. "Impossible." Laura just smiles meekly and walks to the hall as we follow her right behind to see the two actually sitting there. But without the usual happiness in their eyes. They seem dull.

"Sarah. Andrew." I so wanna keep talking but the tears welling up in my eyes prevent the words to escape.

They look up at me with teary eyes too and without them speaking, I understand something's definitely not right here. "W-What it is? You guys?" Shelly says with a confused look on her face.

"Look. Just sit down you two. It has been a long day for both of you." Laura says.

"The only thing I want to know now is the reason for them to be sad and crying. What's wrong?" I reply, trying to force the words out. Sarah's sobs worsen as she leans her forehead on Andrew's shoulder. Andrew is just looking down at his knees, resting his elbows in his thighs.

"Speak up goddamn it!" Shelly shouts, banging her hand on the table with tears running down her cheeks. The white flower vase is now on the floor split into multiple small pieces. Andrew walks up to Shelly and hugs her tightly as they both break down. I walk over to Sarah and pull her in my arms as her body shivers with sobs.

"What is it Sarah?" I rub her back to calm her down. "Is it mom-dad?" I can feel goosebumps as I think of it. What if something actually happened to mom and dad? What if they were not okay? I pull apart and wipe off her tears. "Sarah. Please tell me."

"Mom and dad..... H-Had an accident." Those words echo in my ears, leaving every inch of my body numb. Sarah breaks down into heavier sobs as Shelly falls to the floor, loosing control of her body just like me.

"They're alive. Aren't they?" I ask with a cold expression staring at the shattered pieces of glass on the floor.

"Ally. Shelly. You guys need to know this. Mom and dad are dead. They're not here with us anymore." Every word that Andrew said stings in my body as I close my eyes to let tears escape. I fall back in the sofa, my hand now on my forehead. Without thinking any further, I get up, wipe my face off of water and walk out of the house and across the road. I suddenly feel my body losing balance as everything around me turns black. Mom and dad would've never died if it was't for me. It's all because of me..... Because I left them alone right there.

Auntin's POV

Cigarette in one hand, the other hand in the pocket, I keep walking as I realize that I'm really close to Ally's house, which is just next to mine. Just as I put my eyes on the brown gate of the her house, I see Ally crossing the street with teary eyes and suddenly falls down as she faints.

"Ally!" I shout as I run over to her, followed by Laura and the others. I scoop her into my arms and walk over to my garage. Putting her on the backseat of the car, I drive off to the hospital Laura along with Shelly and two others right behind. The doctors drag her stretcher into the emergency ward.

"One of you needs to fill up this form. You're her family right?" The other guy with us steps forward.

"I-I'm her elder brother. I'll fill the form for you." He grabs the paper and pen and starts filling up the form just as we see the doctor heading towards the waiting room. Shelly runs up to her and asks, "Ma'am. Ally. Is she okay?"

"Can't say anything right now. Low blood pressure, high heart rate. We wanted to inform you that we're taking her in for a brain CT Scan. We can determine anything only after the Scan reports." The doctor explains.

"Please doctor. You have to do anything to get her back to normal." Laura says as a tear wets her cheek.

"Don't worry. The report will be out in an hour. Excuse me." The doctor says and leaves the waiting room. Shelly starts sobbing again. I walk over to her and hug her as she rests her forehead on my shoulder. "She's my only support. If she happens to her-"

"Shh. She'll be fine." I interrupt her negative thought and help her sit down on the bench. She pulls apart and wipes her tears off.

"Thank you for being here Austin. It's only her, Laura, Andrew and Sarah who mean everything to me. Especially now that mom and dad are not alive, I need her hear. And I need you to look after her." I give her a small smile in assurance. Ally and Shelly's mom-dad died. That's definitely hard for everybody.

After about an hour, the doctors comes to us with the reports in her hand. We all stand up from our places and walk over to her. Our curious expressions explains everything to the doc as she says," No need to worry. She is out of danger. Yes. There are signs of stress on the cerebral part of the brain. That's the main reason for the pressure fluctuation and unconsciousness. We have decided to keep her under 24 hour supervision and accordingly shift her to the normal ward. It might take time for her to gain back consciousness. We cannot estimate the time. But our first concern is to get her blood pressure under control. That's all I can say for now. No need to worry. Just a few days and she can be discharged." The doctor gives us a convincing smile and leaves, handing the reports to Andrew. "And yes, I'd prefer only two out of all of you to stay here. Rest can keep visiting in shifts." The doc says and walks back to her cabin.

"I'll stay here. Laura, Sarah and Andrew. You guys go home. I have Austin here with me." After a long protest, the three agree to leave but promise to be here in the morning again as soon as possible. Just wake up Ally. We're all right here for you. Just open your eyes and you'll find us right around you. You'll be safe. I'll protect you no matter what.

Ally's black dress in the media above. Until next time! <3 xx

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