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I wake up in the morning to realize that I slept off while watching TV. I'm feeling better now and can get up on my own. I come out of the bathroom with brushed teeth and hair.

"Good morning Laura." I smile at her as she comes and keeps my breakfast on the side table. "I'd probably take a shower after breakfast."

"You want help?" Laura puts the curtains properly and says.

"No thanks. I'm feeling better." Laura smiles and walks out of the room. I eat the yummy veg cheese sandwich and the juice before moving for a shower.

I come out of the shower, struggling to put on my pants, but I'm successfully looking fine as I get back to the bed when my eyes fall on the window. I open the window for fresh air and find Austin asleep on his window pane.

"Austin?! Austin!" He wakes up on my shout and gives me a sleepy smile. "Why are you sleeping here? I told you to go and sleep on your bed right?"

 "I was looking after you!" He says with a yawn.

"You need not do this Austin. I'm fine. You'll affect your health like this." I give him a why-don't-you-understand look. "Why do you even want to do this?"

"Because I care for you Ally. You're my friend." Austin looks at me with intensity on his face. "You were crying and affected by the incident so much that you were in trauma for three days. And you ended up like this." Austin points at the bandage on my hand just wear the needle was inserted. "Hold on. You bathed right? I can see your bandage is wet." Austin shouts at me as he climbs into my room through his window. "You could at-least change the bandage! Stupid!" He takes a fresh part of bandage from the medicine box and unwraps my wet bandage. I can feel the circulation has stopped due to the wet bandage and cold adding to it. "Why can't you look after yourself Ally? Come on. People around you need you. Think of your sister, Andrew, Sarah and even Laura. And what about your friends? What about me?" Did he just say that or did I overhear it?

"I'm sorry Austin. Look I've gone through a lot of things lately. I just feel so annoyed with all of it that I don't wanna cause anymore trouble to anyone. Anyone." I smile at him when I say so. He doesn't reply but is still tying the bandage with full concentration. "That's it. I'm good here. Now go and freshen up. I'll be going to the boutique with Laura and Shelly. Maybe I'll see you after 8?"

"No way are you going to office today! Doctor has told you to take rest. You're not moving from the bed even for a second." Now Austin is actually acting like my papa.

"What if I want to go to the washroom? Will you take me papa?" I laugh alone at this as I can see Austin flush red. "What say?"

"Sure. Why not. I'll help you. Don't worry." Austin ruffles my hair adding to the fun. And, defeating me. "Keep smiling like this forever. You look the best when you're smiling." This is enough to send a bunch of butterflies down my stomach. He climbs back into his room and locks the window.

"Ally. We're leaving for the boutique. You sure you don't want us to stay back?" Shelly comes in my room and takes the portable charger. "We'll not go today if you want."

"I'll be okay. You guys carry on. I'll call you if I need something. Do not spoil my charger!" Shelly hugs me and leaves the room. I can hear her footsteps as she climbs downstairs and exits the house with Laura. "Home alone!"


It has hardly been 2 hours and I'm boringly surfing through the TV channels. When Austin again throws a paper ball on the window. I don't open the door, instead, I message him on my iPhone.


He replies- 'Open the window -_-'

'No! :p'


'I wanna sleep.'

'So sleep. But open the window first. You're alone. That's why.'


Before anything else comes up, I keep the phone aside and doze off.


After about 2 hours, I can hear knocks at the window. Austin is so dead now. I text him on the phone.

-I was asleep! You Dumb! What is the matter with you?!

-Meet me down in 5 minutes. Wear something warm.

-And why shall I come down?

-Coz I wanna take you somewhere.

-Doc has said to take as much rest as possible right? Are you trying on me Mr. Austin McCartney?

-Oh give me a break. ME trying on YOU?! I'd rather be alone.

- -_- Fine. I'm not coming down either. Do whatever you wanna!

-Okay fine. I'm sorry. But this is torture! You girls are all Torturers. :(

- :p Aww. Cranky baby. See you in 5.

- :) <3

I put on my jacket and and warm boots and head downstairs shoving my phone and house keys in the pocket. As soon as I open the door, a cool wind forces me to shiver already. I see Austin stop in front of the gate on his bike, indicating me to sit. I ask him to tell him how I'm supposed to sit.

"You've never had a bike ride before?" I wish I could tell him that royal apprentices don't ride bikes and stuff. "That's unbelievable."

"Stop pulling my leg would you?" I huff a little at him. "Can't we just go in the car?"

"No. Today will be your first bike ride experience. And it'll be pretty good. Trust me." Austin gives me a helmet and puts his on. "Ready?" I hardly nod my head when Austin pulls the accelerator on full speed and drives up the city street on a speed of 120 kmpl.

"Austin! Slow down! I don't wanna land up in the hospital again." I don't think he's even listening to me. "Aus! Stop the bike! Right now!" He stopped the bike like a good boy an expression of confusion and fury showing on his face. "Are you like totally on a mission called 'let's kill Ally'?"

"What? Why will I do so?" As if he doesn't know why I said so! "What did I do?"

"You were driving so fast! 120 is not a speed you should be biking on." Now I'm acting like her mother. "At-least not with ME!"

"Okay fine." He rolls his eyes. "I'll go slow. Get on now. We're late."

"Hmm." We drive off, but this time in a good speed. I remove my helmet when we reach the express-way and close my eyes to welcome the fresh air. Just how amazing are bike rides!  I can sense him laughing as he pulls on the handle and we are again in high speed, and I'm enjoying it! But then I open my eyes in realization and ask him, "Wait a sec. Austin? Where are we going?"


the BAD BOY and ALLYHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin