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"Good morning guys." Ms. Mariette along with Mrs. Simpson are on the wide stage, trying to grab all the student's attention. Once the crowd has settled, Ms. Mariette continues. "First of all, I would like you all to give yourselves a round of applause for the amazing performance every one of you has shown in the half yearly examinations. I'm glad my students are improving with every passing day." The rush breaks into hootings and claps. We're gathered in the assembly hall yet again.

"Congratulations to everyone of you on that. Okay. Coming to the topic on which we have gathered here today. Seeing all the amazing performances from all of you, especially the students who never participated in the class before, please Ms. Brinbale very much. So this year, like every senior year trip, we have planned a grand vacation for your batch, the vacation lasting for one week. So guys, start packing your bags right on reaching home as we are flying to Corsica tomorrow morning!" Did I hear something wrong?! Did Mrs. Simpson just say the we are going to Corsica?! Oh my god! The place I've always dreamt of visiting, is finally coming true! Now that's one reward for our hard work. I can't help but jump right now. I just grab Laura standing next to me and hug her tightly, still jumping in excitement. The same excitement is seen on everybody's place. Its natural as Corsica is a very beautiful island and very very lucky are those people who get to see the beauty of the nature over there. We're gonna get lucky too! For the first time, my luck has been so happening with me.

"I can't believe it! Ally! We're travelling to your dream place tomorrow morning! OMG! I'm damn excited!" Shelly says as we move out of the hall and towards the office to make the payment of our tickets and other allowances.

"Corsica is your favourite place?" Austin asks, catching up with me as Shelly goes over to her boyfriend.

"Indeed Mr. McCartney. How can someone deny the fact that it's one great place to be going with friends." I wink at him, achieving a heart-warming smile from him. We walk up as the line to the office payment window moves ever so slowly. 

 Laura said that she'll be sponsoring our tickets and other payments as she is really happy with the way we're handling studies and office both. Honestly, its just her greatness. We've hardly worked for a week in the past one month. Laura is just really sweet. "Let's go home. I really need to pack well for tomorrow." We head home after collecting the receipt of our pays with Austin and Eric along. The two boys said that they'll help us with our packing and that we should help the two with their packing. We agree and so they're now visiting our house. Jason and Suzanne are going to Jason's house for same. Same with Maria and Caspar. Unfortunately, Jeremy still has to pack his stuff alone. But he said that his brother is here from the hostel for winters and that he'll help him pack for the trip. 


Austin is just sitting on his desktop surfing places in Corsica and I'm the one packing his stuff in the bag. Was I supposed to help him or just pack his bag all on my own. Back at my house as well, he was just stuck to his phone and was not of any help there either. I swear! Boys are so lazy. Especially this boy sitting right in front of me. "Austin! Get up and keep your personal stuff now! I'm going home. I'm sleepy." Austin huffs before getting up and I climb back in my room to see my trolley bag and a small handbag ready for the journey. I can't contain my excitement! When will this day end and we will be on our way to Corsica?! I lay down on my bed and unknowingly fall asleep.


I wake up two hours later on my beeping alarm. I shut it off and walk to the bathroom. After coming out, I hear someone close the main door. I walk downstairs to see that Shelly just returned from Eric's house. "You're home right now? It's been four hours now Shelly."

"Yeah. Actually Eric wanted to buy some stuff for tomorrow so we first went to buy those and then started packing. So that took some time." I nod and Shelly walks upstairs into her room. What now? It's only 2 pm and I've got nothing to do. I'd better go to the boutique and help Laura. I ask Shelly if she wants to come along, but she denies, stating that she wants to sleep. I tell her to be careful and walk out. Just then Austin texts me asking about where I was going. I messaged him back that I'm going to the boutique and whether he wanted to come along. He just appeared at the gate ready to go to the boutique. That means he was already waiting for me to ask him to come along. Such a jerk! A sweet one. That's it Ally! You've crossed all limits now! Stop acting as if you're obsessed by him! 

Right! Cool it Al, cool it. "I wanna drive the bike."

"What?" Austin seems astonished but I really want to try it.

"I wanna drive-"

"I heard! But you sure you'll drive safe and not have us landed in the hospital right? I wanna go to Corsica."

"Trust me. I'll drive good." I give him a pleading puppy eyed look to which he gives up ever so easily and hands me a helmet. I put it on and put my hands on the gear. "Start slow."

"Dude! I know how to drive a bike!" Austin is doubting me on that. I can see that from his face. Idiot! The bike moves smoothly on the isolated road and I slightly increase its pace. Austin is impressed by my biking skills and appreciates it when we reach our destination safely. "Congratulations! You're safely travelling to Corsica tomorrow, Mr. Austin McCartney."

"Same to you Ms. Ally Sidren. Now may we?" We walk into the boutique and Laura is happy to see us when she least expected us.

"I so needed you guys here." The shop is really filled with customers and a long line was waiting for Austin at the cash counter. He walks there and within 15 minutes, the line is reduced to half. I, on the other hand, am attending the customers who seem pleased by my service. Only one out of those 6-7 ladies didn't buy or order any dress. 

There's always this one costumer who'll come, look out for the prices and go comparing with the other stores. I hate such people! Anyways, I'm glad that we came here. We're not even just wiling away our time at home and Laura is getting so much help here. I'm proud of myself!

At about 8, we shut the shop and Laura leaves in her car, and we prepare to drive back on the bike. I wear on my warm jacket when Austin asks for a photo of us. I agree as he snaps us in the winter attire. We rush home to have some energy saved for tomorrow. After parting from Austin, we carry the many bags and files in our hand into the house and I land on my bed, texting Suzanne about tomorrow. Corsica! Can't wait to reach there!

the BAD BOY and ALLYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora