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We have just returned from the water park and are all shivering as we get into the respective rooms. We all get changed as soon as possible and switch on the room heater for some warmth. Just then Austin's phone rings and he moves out of the room to meet the one he received a call from. He denied from telling me who it is and just moved out. What's going on?

"What's wrong Ally? You seem confused." Eric asked wiping his hair with the towel. "Where's Austin?"

"He just got a call from someone and he went out to meet him or her, whoever it was." Eric just nods his head in reply and sits on the sofa, switching on the TV.

We wake up in the morning at about 10 am, tired of yesterday's water rides. We get ready for the Flea Market and meet up with the others at the lobby. We all hired bikes for exploring the island. I demanded to travel alone and so hire a bike for myself only. Austin is riding alone too. Eric and Shelly, Jason and Suzanne, Caspar and Maria hired one bike. Jeremy has hired a bike alone as well. We all take off to the Flea Market, exactly at a distance of fifteen minutes from here. On reaching at the parking area of the market, I see Austin to be the last one to arrive with Jessica riding along. What's this now?

"Guys. Before we enter the mart, I want you guys to meet Jessica. My......." A long pause? That is giving me creeps! He glances at me with his oceanic eyes before saying the next word which makes my heart sink in the deepest pit of my stomach. "Girlfriend." Hold on a second. Did I hear it wrong or did he just say GIRLFRIEND?! 

"What?!" My reflex speaks up! I can feel my face heat up. I hope its not what I just heard.

"Yeah. Jessica and I are together." Oh great! That means my love story is ending before it even started. Maybe we'll remain just friends now. Just closest friends. Man! That hurts! I can feel my eyes watering up. I immediately turn around and wipe them off, but more and more tears are forming as I wipe them all off. "Let's go Jess." I still don't face the group and tell them to go ahead and I'll catch up with them in a while. I get onto my bike and drive back to the hotel once all of them have left. Tears start wetting my cheeks as I leave the parking lot. Why does this always happen with me? Whenever I'm happy and on the cloud nine, life gives me a jerk and I fall back on the ground with much more pain which I can handle all at once. But this time, the pain is of a broken heart. Which is worse than any other pains.

On reaching back, I run up into the room and dig my face into the pillow. I let out sobs as if a small baby. Just then, Suzanne comes and sits next to me.

"Hey. Al. What's wrong? I saw you leaving the mart. So I came to see what's the matter. What is it sweetheart. Why are you crying." Now how am I supposed to tell her that I like Austin?

"You'll not believe me. But Austin and Jessica are the reason of this." I struggle to say between my sobs, tears falling as if all my emotions flooding out together.

"What?! You like Austin?!" I nod. She slaps her forehead and hugs me. "I thought you were not supposed to fall for that bad boy Ally. That's what you told me right?"

"Yeah. But I just fell for him when he fought with his friends for me. When he was there for me when my parents died. I couldn't help but like him. But now what? My luck is so rotten that I don't even deserve to love. My life is so not fair." I break down completely now and Suzanne just tolerates me patiently. I so needed someone close to me at this moment. "Suzanne. Thanks for bearing with me. I feel better." Not actually, but I can't spoil her trip because of my heartbreak.

"Are you mad? Who said that I'm tolerating you? We're friends Ally. We need to be together in happy and sad moments. Stop getting formal." I smile at her meekly and get up to wash my face. I'm not crying anymore but don't even feel like seeing Austin again with a fear of losing control over my tears in front of him. "I think you need to shift in my room. I'll ask Jason and Caspar to shift here and you and Shelly can come in our room. We'll tell them that we girls want to have some personal time together so we're shifting you guys. Okay?" I agree with her. It'll be better for me to maintain some space with Austin. Yet, we'll be friends. Cannot guarantee about closest friends. Maybe we'll only stay friends now. "Wanna go to the market now?" I guess we should go. It'll help me divert my mind. I'll not just talk to Austin until I'm stable again.

"Let's go." We lock the room and drive back to the flea Market. My life is so cruel with me.

Small one. I know. Sorry for that. But the next chapter will be good enough. And yes! We're almost at the end of the book. I would really appreciate it if you guys let me know about your thoughts on my book so far. Until next time! <3 

the BAD BOY and ALLYDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora