It's Here to Stay!

Start from the beginning

"So my father could flip? Naw, I'll pass." I said and the bell rang. I was so fucking glad I was saved by the bell. Because I could feel Monica burning a hole through my face and the way she was talking had me considering her offer.

I went to my remaining classes not really paying too much attention to any of them. I was too deep in thought. About Monica, Jessica, the rest of the crew but most importantly Tray. He's not the type to just step off and give up. I know he going to continue to try to get at her. I would hope that she wouldn't do me wrong, or would she? I have to stop thinking like this. Why couldn't he want Jessica? Kill two birds with one stone for me, get her and him off my worry list.

Despite that issue I went through the rest of my day fine. I saw Monica waiting by the bus stop alone. I didn't know were Kayla was but I was damn sure happy she was there. I honked my horn she looked at the car walking over to me and leaned up against my car.

"What?' She asked. "Don't you have practice?"

"Naw, not today. Where you going?"

"To get Ava then, kill some time so I can come see you." She smiled. Damn I love that smile. I wish I could see it more often but I go my own damn problems that I'm dealing with.

"Well, get in, I'll drive you."

She got in and I started to drive. The ride was shot by car so we got to the school in no time. I parked the car in the front of the school and looked at monica. She looked at the clock in my car and tried to put her hair behind her ear but it just went right back how it was before. I laughed and continued to look at her.

"She going to be out in like 5minutes." She said nervously. I know she remember what I said about introducing Ava to me as her boyfriend but I was going to respect her wishes and keep quiet until I mentioned to my friends that we were a couple. Who knew how long that would be? I looked over at her again and she was twirling her thumbs around each other. "I tried to take the longer way. I was hoping we could talk about what happened today." I said not being able. To hold it in any longer.

"I knew there was a reason to your quietness." She laughed which normally I would be happy about because she never laughs but, I didn't find nothing funny this time.

"What?" I said curious to what she was talking about. I wanted to talk about Tray and how I didn't know the stunt he was going to pull and I was sorry for that. I hope that's what she meant by her statement.

"You were quiet the whole way here. And you were mad zoned out in our science class today. I noticed." She said turning her attention to me and away from the building. I looked out the window not knowing that she paid any attention to that. I was just in deep thought about how I wanted this relationship to play out. There was no doubt that I wanted to be with Monica but I didn't just want to come out and say HEY, yall leave her alone she's' my girl now! My friends would roast me from here to oblivion. I wasn't going to lie to her and I didn't want to put us both in that situation because she's a sensitive soul. I want her to stay that way.

"Naw, I was just doing a lot of thinking today.

"Ok, you want to talk about it?" She said resting her hand on my knee. I scratched the back of my head searching for a simpler, less offensive way to come out and say what I was thinking but I couldn't find one so I just said it how it came to my mind.

"I, I think you should go back to your old look." I said. She turned her nose up are scrunched up her brows as soon as I said that. It was the response I was expecting. But, the plan was simole, if she wen back to dressing down no one would suspect anything about the two of us and everything would go back to the way it was. Tray would leave her alone and I could handle the rest of the crew. I wasn't sure how I would get rid of Jessica thought. She was a hoe, plain and simple and she saw me being popular as she had to have me and she wouldn't stop unless something else was distracting her. I looked up at Monica and she was opening her mouth to probably let me have it. I just sat back in my seat and listened.

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