"Fuck that," Max said. "Why don't you give us a ride on your back? You're a big strong beast of burden." 

"Well, I don't know," Willy said. 

"Why not?" Max said. "What's the big deal? Come on! We'll be your best friends." 

"I really can't," Willy said. 

"Is this about money?" Max demanded. "We'll hook you up with some floss. Come on!" 

"It's not that," Willy said. "It's just, well, I'd feel terrible if I dropped you. You might knock over several rocks at once and who knows what would happen." 

"We'll hang on tight," Max pleaded. 

"Besides, Max is more or less expendable," Sarah said. 

"Oh you jest, woman, but you know you want to bear my pollywogs." 

"That's revolting," Sarah frowned. "Anyway, will you please carry us across the field Willy? We're desperate." 

"All right," Willy said after a moment's hesitation. "Hop on. But whatever you do, don't let go. It's a veritable mine field out there." 

They piled onto the yak's back and he lifted them with ease. He maneuvered his way across the field with a precision born of many hours of practice. He carefully avoided even the tiniest of pebbles as he danced his way across in a graceful ballet. 

He only had a few more steps to go when Sarah suddenly turned into a rat again. Willy glanced over his shoulder to announce their imminent arrival to safety when he noticed the big repulsive rat clinging tightly to him.  

"What the fuck is that?!" he let out a shrill shriek and instinctively began fidgeting. "Get it off me!" He hurled Sarah and Max off of his back. They landed in a heap on the path ahead of them, a bit battered and bruised, but clear of the danger posed by the rocks. 

Willy did not fare so well as he managed to knock over several rocks during his brief bout of panic. Instantly several clouds of smoke shot up and surrounded him. He let out another shriek and began trembling violently, clutching his forehead as he stumbled backwards. His now uncontrolled movements were causing more rocks to get knocked over, sending even more clouds of smoke blasting into his face. He began alternately weeping and screaming as he continued to bulldoze haphazardly through the field, knocking over more rocks every step of the way. Finally he curled up into a little ball sucking his hoof, sobbing, and shuddering. 

"Poor bastard," Max winced. "Oh well, at least we're safe." 

Sarah had resumed human form upon hitting the ground. "That's the second time I've changed back when I've fallen. I wonder if there's anything to that?" 

"Hmm, could be the impact forces the transformation," Max pondered. "If you want to test that theory out I could slap you around a bit." 

"Try it and I'll break your neck," Sarah growled. 

"Your borderline psychotic attitude is so cute," Max said. "Now let's be on our way, shall we?" 

"Shouldn't we help Willy out?" Sarah asked. "He looks like he's in pretty bad shape and he did help us after all." 

"Yeah, what a sucker," Max laughed. He stopped short as he noticed Sarah glaring at him menacingly. "That is to say, yes, it was very magnanimous of him, but we'd be risking falling prey to the rocks ourselves and then what good would we be to him? Don't worry he'll recover eventually. Now let's get the hell out of here." 

"I guess you're right," Sarah shrugged.  

Apparently Willy kicked another rock loose because they heard a poofing sound originating from behind them followed by a loud groan. Max whistled a little tune and carried on without looking back as Sarah reluctantly followed. 

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