Chapter 22

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The Seventh Sister's POV

I expected to die that day.  

But, I did not.

I opened my eyes, surprised that I could.  I looked around to see I was in a bed.  There were various tubes and wires hooked up to me, all connected to a machine, showing my vitals.  As I continued looking, I saw that Ezra was in a bed beside me.

"Ezra?" I croaked before falling into a coughing fit.  My throat was more dry then it has ever been, most likely from the smoke I had inhaled.  

As I coughed, I heard a door swish open.  I stopped coughing, only to see Sabine at the side of my bed.

"What happened?" I groaned.

"Maul set of his bomb.  You two were in the explosion.  We managed to find both of you, alive, but on the brink of death.  We got you both here just in time to be saved," Sabine explained.

"Maul?" I asked.

"Dead," Sabine said.  "But, thankfully, the Empire found out the explosion was not the Rebellion's fault.  The Eighth Sister and Ninth Brother confessed, for some reason."

"Good," I sighed.  I looked back over to Ezra's bed.  He was still fast asleep.

"What are you going to do now?" Sabine asked.

"Do now?  I was just almost killed,"  I said.  "But, I think I know."

Sabine looked at me, and at me gazing at Ezra.  "You love him, don't you?" Sabine asked.

"We are both just youth living with nothing but the Empire our whole lives," I muttered.

"I kinda guessed you were younger than you seemed.  You always acted older, but so did Ezra.  And you always would talk about him in a certain tone," Sabine said.

"I must leave," I said quietly, looking back up at Sabine.  Her face stayed even as she replied.

"Are you going to wait for him to wake up?" 

"No.  I must leave before.  I don't want to make this harder than it already is."

"I will have a ship prepared."

"I will leave as soon as possible."

"I know."

I watched as Sabine left, then, I glanced back once again at Ezra.  I sighed.  As I gazed upon the man I fell in love with, I felt even more confident of the decision I had made.  Yes, I loved Ezra, but I was not what he deserved.  I was the darkness while he was the light.  Even thought the Force had brought us together, it was the very thing that would bring us apart.  

I sighed again.  I realized I was not just leaving because of the vast differences between us.  I also needed to find myself.  With the truth about my past coming to life, I had never felt the same as I had before.  Lucy was one person, the Seventh Sister another.  But, they were both past versions of myself.  I was in a new phase of my life, and I had no idea where it was going to lead me.  

I needed to go and journey through the galaxy.  I needed to learn.  I needed to grow.  I just didn't now who I was anymore.  And Ezra didn't deserve someone like that.  I don't even know if he felt the same way.

But, it was what needed to be done.

I continued gazing at Ezra until Sabine came back about an hour later.  I looked at her as she came to my bedside.  "The doctors said you were fine to leave. You have out about a week, and thankfully your legs were not damaged too severely, and managed to heal a bit.  But you still have to watch them.  Rest often," Sabine explained.

"Thank you," I said as I sat up in bed and started pulling IVs and monitors off of me.  Once I was done, Sabine put her hand on my arm.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked quietly.

"Yes," I said evenly.  "I need to find myself.  I need to be alone and find out who I am."

"Then good luck," Sabine sighed.

After the explosion, my clothes were ruined and I had been put in a hospital gown, but Sabine passed me clothes to wear.  She showed me where to change, and I did so promptly.  As I stepped out, I saw Sabine was still standing there.  She led me through halls to where my ship was, awaiting my departure.

"If you ever need anything, just call," Sabine said.

"I will.  Tell Ezra I said goodbye," I said.

Sabine and I shared a look for a few moments until Sabine gave me a brisk nod.

"Goodbye, and good luck," she said.

I nodded back in reply.  "Goodbye."

I turned my back on her and entered my ship.  I sighed deeply as I disconnected from the rebel ship.  I looked back at the large ship, thinking about Ezra.  

I was leaving the man I loved, and I had a feeling it would be a while until I saw him again.

"Goodbye, Ezra Bridger.  I am off to find myself," I said quietly as hyperspace filled the space around me.

I was finally going to discover the real me.

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