Chapter 11

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The Seventh Sister's POV

"Coming up on Ilum now," Ezra reported from the pilot's seat.

"Don't set the ship too close to the base. The Empire usually has quite a bit of protection around it, especially since someone knows we are looking for something," I said.

The ship started slowing down, stars becoming visible. In the distance loomed the frozen planet of Ilum.

"Looks deserted," Ezra commented.

"It is supposed to. It is meant to attract some of the remaining Jedi," I explained.

"Well, who else woud come here? It is a frozen wasteland," Ezra scoffed.

"That is exactly why the Empire hides some of its deepest secrets here," I said.

"Let's just get this over with," Ezra said as he maneuvered the ship into the atmosphere of the freezing plant.

"Here are the coordinates to the base," I handed Ezra a disk I had one of my droids premake. Ezra pluged the disk into the navigation system and set the ship on autopilot.

"Should get there in no time," Ezra said. "Come on."

Ezra led me to the back of the ship and pressed a few buttons. A panel slid open, revealing supplies for all sorts of conditions. He handed me back a black, short coat, himself taking an orange one.

"Should hopefully keep us warm," the boy said.

"Hopefully," I said flatly.

Ezra frowned at my pessimistic tone just as the ship's control console beeped. "We are here," Ezra said.

"Remember to hide the ship in a hidden spot," I cautioned.

"Why would we do that? Wouldn't it be much safer in we landed in the middle of an Imperial base?" Ezra asked sarcastically.

"Just hurry up," I said with an eye roll.

"Honestly, Seventh Sister, you need to have more faith."

"In you? I don't think you understand just how hard that us to do."


"I have a bad feeling about this."

I yanked the binoculars from Ezra's hands to see what he was looking at. We were currently on a ledge hanging over where the base sat between two cliffs.

I looked through the binoculars at the small base below. Everywhere, there were stormtroopers in winter gear, TIEs coming and going, with Walkers patroling the base.

I had only been here a few times before, but this was the most secure the base has ever been.

"Karabast. Whoever was expecting us may be overestimating us," I muttered.

"Maybe they are testing us," Ezra suggested.

"And why would they be testing us?"

"I have found that red blades often do crazy behavior without any reason behind it," Ezra said.

"I am a red blade," I growled.

"I know."

I punched Ezra's arm as hard as I could. It was followed by a satisfying yelp of pain from him.

"Don't worry. I had a reason behind that," I smirked.

"I could tell!" He said.

"So, what is the plan to get in their?" I asked.

"I don't think we can get in there with just the two of us," Ezra said.

"Well, we can not call anyone for help, so how are we going to do this?" I asked.

"How are we going to take down all these defenses?" Ezra pondered.

"I just asked you that!" I said, but Ezra was not paying attention. He was lost in thought.

For a few moments, it was silent.

"Are you just going to sit there all day?" I questioned impatiently.

"I got it!" Ezra finally responded.

"What?" I asked.

"This is Ilum," Ezra started out.

"Karabast, you are dumber than I realized."

Ezra continued on as if I hadn't spoken.

"Kanan told me once there was a great Jedi Temple on Ilum. Its interior was a kyber crystal cave. It was where younglings went to face their fears and get their first kyber crystal for their lightsaber."

"I know all this. I do not need a history lesson."

"But don't you see?"

"See what, Ezra?"

"A Jedi Temple is where you go to get answers. I have talked to Master Yoda plenty of times in different temples for guidance. He might be able to help us now."

Ezra started to get up. I rolled on my back, watching him, and asked, "You have spoken with Master Yoda? The great Jedi Master who is supposed to be dead?"

"Yeah, lots of visions from the old guy. You've met him before?" Ezra asked. He reached out his hand to help me get up, which I took.

"How could I have possibly met him?" I asked Ezra.

"Well, you must have done something before the Empire rose to power."

And that's when I realized I hadn't told him. I hadn't told Ezra that I have no experience before the Empire because we were the same age. He was probably somehow betting this whole plan on my knowledge from the Clone Wars!

"Well, Ezra. . . I. . . You're right, I did do something before the Empire. But, I never met Yoda. It was the Emporer who took care of him."

Great! Now I was lying to him! I guess some traits from the Dark Side never leave.

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