Chapter 2

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(1 month later.)
Ezra's POV

"Spectre 1 to 6, are you seeing this?" Kanan asked me over the com.

I looked through my binoculars Sabine had given to the Imperial base that was stationed in the middle of a town on Naboo. The rest of the crew was scattered around various buildings, waiting.

We had come to storm the base to get supplies for the Rebellion. Kanan said this would be a simple op, but what I saw said otherwise.

Surrounding the base was multiple Imperial walkers. TIEs sat near the docking bay, ready to be deployed. Stormtroopers were stationed every, patroling the area.

"I think they knew we were coming," I said into my com.

"Apparently we have a reputation even here on Naboo," Zeb grumbled.

"At least there are no Star Destroyers," I sighed.

"I am sure there will be. Just wait," Sabine teased.

"Let's just move in," Kanan said.

"Just give us the signal," I said.

As I watched the base, I saw someone jump down from a building rooftop, igniting a lightsaber and cutting into one of the walkers.

Kanan's signal.

I jumped from my rooftop, my saber ignited, while Sabine and Zeb jumped into the fight as well.

I quickly started to deflect shots from the Imperials, many getting their shot returned to them. I saw Sabine and Zeb planting bombs along the buildings as Kanan and I distracted the troopers.

Kanan made his way over to me, never ceasing to stop deflecting shots. "When those bombs go off, run for the docking bays. Hera should come in on the Ghost to pick up the supplies," Kanan said.

"I know the plan, Kanan. You only told me about 100 times," I said as the buildings behind us blew up in a blaze of fire and debris.

I sprinted to the docking bay, where the TIEs were still docked. I watched as pilots filled the ships and rose to the air.

As I watched, I saw the crates I was looking for. Only problem was they were behind all of the TIEs. I would have to go through the pilots loading their ships if I wanted to get those supplies.

I sighed right before I ran into the forest of ships. As I ran pass, many pilots shouted in surprise, yelling into their coms that a rebel was spotted by the ships.

Thankfully, none of the pilots had weapons and I made it through without getting shot. But another problem arose as I exited the jumble of ships.

Standing around the suppy crates stood a squadron of stormtroopers with blasters at the ready.

"There's the rebel!" One shouted. Pretty soon, they were all firing at me while I deflected shots.

After only a few minutes, I had managed to disable the entire squadron with a combination of stabbing and deflecting shots. I had certainly grown in my Force abilities these last few months.

"Spectre 6 to 2, ready for pick-up," I reported into my com.

"Be right there," Hera replied.

As I waited, I disengaged my saber, clipping it to my belt. I opened one of the crates, looking at the contents.

I gasped once I saw what was inside. Weapons. Blasters. A few bombs even.

I quickly shut the lid and look into all the other boxes. All of them are weapons. No supplies.

"Spectre 6 to 1. Have a slight problem with these 'supplies'," I said.

"What is it?" Kanan asked.

"Unless our supplies are supposed to be crates full of weapons, this is not the shipment we are looking for," I said.

"What!" Hera exclaimed.

"Weapons? Are you serious?" Sabine asked.

Before I could answer, I heard the Ghost landing on the platform by the docking bay.

"Doesn't matter. Get them aboard," Hera said.

I quickly started to load crates into the ship. When the last crate was loaded, I saw Kanan, Sabine, and Zeb running towards the ship.

As they neared, I suddenly felt something. Something cold and dark. Something I hadn't sensed in over a year.

As I looked, I saw a trooper raise his gun. It was pointed at Kanan.

"Look out!" I yelled.

But as soon as I yelled, the trooper shot. The bolt went straight for Kanan.

Everything seemed to slow down. As Kanan turned to see what I had yelled at him about, a red blade flew right in front of his face, blocking the shot from killing Kanan.

As soon as I saw who was at the other end, I gasped.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Not happy to see me?" The Seventh Sister smirked.

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