Chapter 8

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Ezra's POV

I followed the Seventh Sister as she led me to where she had last seen the two inquisitors. Finally, we made it to a window where voices could obviously be heard.

"And then what? Frame the rebels?" A feminine voice exclaimed. I guessed this was the Eighth Sister.

"It might just work out like that," a male voice, the Ninth Brother, said as if he was just enlightened.
I tapped the Seventh Sister's shoulder and gave her a questioning look. She simply replied back with a simple shrug, an obvious sign she had no idea what they were talking about.

I listened more to the inquisitors intense conversation.

"Just think about it! If we are able to lure the rebels in where the rest of the inquisitors are, we can take care of them all and simply blame it on the insurgents," the Ninth Brother said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"And how do we know this will go on without a hitch?" The Eighth Sister questioned with an audible sigh.

"That is why we-"

The Ninth Brother stopped abruptly. The Seventh Sister and I shared a quick worried look.

"Do you sense that?" The Ninth Brother asked slowly.

There was a pause before the Eighth Sister answered. "The window."

The Seventh Sister and I shared one more look before quickly putting on our cloaks. We jumped from the ledge just as we heard an exclamation from behind us.

"Stop!" The Eighth Sister yelled. "Go after them! We can not afford our plans to be spoiled!" She yelled at her companion.

The Seventh Sister and I quickly sprinted across the temple's courtyard before entering the allies of the city.

I looked back to see the two inquisitors still in pursuit.

"Any plan?" The Seventh Sister gasped.

"Run?" I suggested.

"Wonderful on the spot plans from you!"

Just then, a good idea struck me. And, yes, it was good and was not going to get either of us killed.

"Engage two droids. I take one. Split up and meet back at the ship!" I said.

As the Seventh Sister engaged two of her droids from underneath her cloak, I looked back to see the two still in pursuit.


"Why not just fight them now?" The Seventh Sister questioned as we closed in on a place we could separate.

"Might recognise your fighting style. See you back at the ship!" I said.

I turned abruptly to the right, my companion going the opposite direction. Hopefully, the two inquisitors had split up.

I looked back to see the Eighth Sister had followed me. "You will not get away so easily!" She yelled at me.

I continued running, twisting and turning through the dark streets of Coruscant. I even attempted to jump up multiple old buildings and jump through high speed speeder traffic to try and lose her, but she stayed hot on my tail.

I knew she wouldn't call for back-up from the Temple. She would not want me to spill any of the plans she had been making. She would want to kill me on her own.

And thinking about that gave me yet another brilliant idea.

My face brightened up with a grin a mile wide as I spoke into my com to the Seventh Sister.

"Fake your death!"

At first there was silence. Then, there was a huge outburst.

"Are you crazy?"


"Where did you get that idea from?"

I quickly explained to her about how they would want us dead anyway, and all the boring thoughts that came into my head while I thought of this idea. I explained my plan and what her part was.

"Fine. But I better still be alive by the end of it," the Seventh Sister finally sighed.

I looked back, my face plastered with sweat, to see the inquisitor still coming after me.

I smiled, and ran to a transport station that was conveniently placed across the street. From that transport station, I could get to the lower levels of the planet. There, my plan would go down.

"Stop, insurgent!" The inquisitor yelled, as if that ever helped. I entered the station, the bright lights blinding me, taking a few moments to adjust from the darkness outside.

As I entered the bustling parts of the station, filled with posters and holo-nets supporting the Empire, I saw a old Imperial transport that just happened to be going down.

I dodged through the mixed-species crowd, causing many to complain, to the edge of the platform. I stopped at the edge, attempting to catch my breath.

I heard the Eighth Sister catch up to me behind me. "Nowhere left to run!" She laughed.

I heard her saber ignite. I looked over my shoulder under the shadow of my hood to see her advancing upon me. She had a wicked grin on her face, like a predator finally cornering its prey.

"You just trapped yourself here, fool," she jeered.

I looked back over the edge of the platform. The transport ship was now in the perfect position. I looked to the droid that had somehow managed to keep up with me this whole time.

Then, I jumped.

The droid descended with me, gaining speed until it passed me. I then kept my eyes on the transport.

I landed with a thump on the top. The droid was nowhere to be seen. I looked up to see the inquisitor looking down at me. Somehow, I could feel her gaze boring into me, and I knew she felt my gaze.

After a few moments, I broke the stare-off and rolled off the side of the transport.

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