He Owns This City

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I don't know if it was sheer stupidity or my relentless curiosity, but after my confrontational dinner with Alex I found myself in front of LightFlash; the nightclub's music was shaking my insides as I waited in line to get in. I knew I wanted to find Jackson, who Joker had hinted was one of his many henchmen. But it was late, and the city was dangerous at night. Besides, what was I going to do when I found him? I had no fucking idea, but I knew I was going to do this anyway. 

Dave let me right into the club once he saw my face, which angered a few people waiting in line in front of me. I gave my favorite bouncer a smile and a nod while I cautiously walked through the doors, the pounding music momentarily ringing through my ears in a deafening roar. Once I adjusted, I peered over at the bar. No Jackson. I looked around over countless heads of curled hair and gelled locks to find his chiseled face. But it was too dark. And too many colors from the neon lights dizzied my senses and momentarily distracted me. But I was not ready to give up just yet. I walked outside the doors to find Dave again, letting the cool air hit my already damp skin. He raised his eyebrows at me while I formed a barely audible sentence,

"Do you know a... Jackson...by any chance?"

"A Jackson?"


"Mr. Jawline, yeah I know him. He works here part time. He's on break right now. Probably having a smoke. The guy works late."

"Thank you." I sighed and rushed back in towards the back, bumping past sweaty bodies and wiggling through drunken dance partners. My chest tightened as I found the back exit. I had no idea what I was going to say, or what I was going to do. But he was connected to Joker. He was a puzzle piece in his jig-saw facade.

No one stopped me as I pushed open the heavy door marked 'employee exit only' and stumbled into an almost pitch black alley. I felt a garbage can against my right hand when I threw it up to steady myself, but when I looked to my left, leaning against a wall, was a single cigarette light, moving in and out of someone's mouth. I took a step towards it.


"Whoever you are, this better be worth my me-time."

"Um, it's Harleen Quinzel."

I saw the cigarette light drop to the floor and get crushed by a foot. His shadow moved until I could sense he was about a foot away, the smell of smoke and cologne infiltrating my nose.

"Harleen Francis Quinzel. Upset I never gave you a call?"

My nose wrinkled in disgust, and I was glad he could barely see my face. The only light came from a streetlight a block away.

"Um, I...wanted to ask you a few questions about Joker."

"What do you want to know, dollface?"

I heard his hands drop to his sides as he leaned on the burgundy bricks.

"You work for him."

I had no idea what to say or even ask. I just wanted to confirm my suspicions.

"Glad to see you put your doctorate to good use, Sherlock."

I huffed in frustration and took a step towards his shadow. He needed to step off his high horse.

"Listen, asshole. I don't even know why I came here. All I know is you're in contact with Joker, and you've told him about me. That means you have connections in and out of Arkham, right?"

"Even if I gave up any information, what would you do? Lecture me to death?"

"I can call the authorities and shut down your little operation with him."

He laughed and took another step closer, and I could see his tall figure towering over me.

"That's a good joke:  You think Joker's ring is...little?"

 The way he said 'little' sent goosebumps to the surface of my skin. He took another step towards me and I backed up, hitting the wall behind me. He was inches away from my face and I could make out his eyes. They were dark. And they were glaring right through me.

"Your 'patient 0', holed up in your dumbass asylum, runs the whole fucking city, baby. He's got cops, gangs, and city officials wrapped around his fingers. So go ahead, I dare you to try and stop him. But he's always one step ahead. He's always got a leg up. He knew who you were the minute you scored your pretentious little job as his doc."

He put one hand against the wall, blocking me from the door. My breathing escalated as he moved so close to me his nose was touching mine.

"He knows everything about you now, Harleen. He knows everything about everyone. He's getting out of that asylum. Soon. And he has a plan."

He put his other hand up to caress my face,

"And don't do anything to fuck it up."

His grimy hand wandered down towards my pants,

"Why don't I help him out and get that message across to you, huh dollface?"

His other hand groped my chest, and that's when the anger and the fear bubbled over and I kneed him in the groin as a yelp escaped my mouth. He fell to the floor, wincing, and I kicked him in the chest and sprinted down the alley towards the streetlight.

My mind was in shambles, my hair was wild, my sweat created a glistening shine on my skin, and my tears were relentless as I ran home. I charged up the stairs and slammed the door, locking it and checking the lock again and again. My breath hitched in my throat when as I ran across my kitchen to get into bed and forget my stupidity, I saw a single rose sitting in a perfectly symmetrical glass vase on my table. And my vision blurred as my tears turned into screams. 

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