Chapter Fourteen

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Dominic gulped, his fists clenching at his sides, Alexa could see the fight in his eyes, the determination to stay and argue his case. But as soon as it started, it all ended, when his eyes turned completely into his wolf's, he took a deep breath and stood to attention, his body rigid and straight.

"Yes Alpha," he calmly spoke, his voice much deeper, letting Alexa know that his wolf was making one of its incredibly rare appearances. "Whilst myself and Dominic would very much like to argue that we deserve a right to Alexa, we will adhere to your commands." He turned his head to the side, bearing his throat in the ultimate submissive pose, and waited for the next order.

Derek growled threateningly, "If you disobey me Dominic, I will not hesitate to inform Hunter of your intentions, if he doesn't know already. Are we clear?" Dominic nodded, not making eye contact with his Alpha. "Very well, leave. Now."

Dominic nodded in response, and made his way through the door, giving Alexa one last loving look before disappearing out of the house.

Alexa turned to face her Alpha, an ashamed glint to her eyes. "I'm so sorry Alpha... I didn't know he'd be here...!"

"It's okay Alexa," Derek interrupted. His features began to soften out into their human form, and he smiled slightly at Alexa. "Besides, I haven't seen you or my son for the past week, how have things been? Or should I go based on the noises emanating from his room since you both disappeared?"

A bright scarlet spread across Alexa's cheeks, her eyes widened and she squeaked in shock. "Alpha!" Embarrassment dripped from her words, and she desperately looked anywhere but at Derek. He laughed loudly, and made his way down the last few steps, standing a few feet from her.

"Sorry, couldn't resist teasing you... does Hunter know you're down here?"

"Uh... no... he's still asleep," her blush getting worse. "I wanted to have a bit of a walk, so I thought I'd let him sleep."

"Well then, would you like some... dinner?" Derek checked the clock above the door. "Yes, I could get started on some... pasta?" A slight hint of embarrassment flitted across his features, that made Alexa giggle quietly.

"I was going to head out for some cookie ingredients in a minute, Hunter would like some chocolate fudge cookies. Would you like me to get something for dinner Alpha?" she asked submissively, not wanting to upset her Alpha after the altercation they had just been through.

A bright smile lit up Derek's face, "chocolate fudge cookies? I knew my son had good taste... that sounds like an amazing plan to me! How are you getting to the shops? Do you want to take my car?"

"Oh no, don't worry about that, it's just me going so I'll walk there."

"Okay then, you should probably let Hunter know where you're going though, don't want him waking up to an Alexa-less house before you get back," Derek joked, but Alexa could see the seriousness behind his words. She nodded, completely agreeing, and bowed her head slightly, before making her way past Derek and up the stairs. It was another two floors up to Hunter's floor, but before she'd even made it past the first floor, she was stopped. Her body was slammed against the wall, and the smell of pine needles wafted up her nostrils, both calming her and exciting her in the same moment. Alexa barely had time to look up at her mates face, before his lips came crashing to hers, one hand on the wall to the side of her face, and the other one holding her neck, pulling her closer to him, whilst still keeping her pressed firmly against the wall.

She moaned loudly, her arms shooting up to wrap around his shoulders, desperately trying to pull him even closer. He moved his arms, so that they were both wrapped around her waist, and her legs shot up to wind tightly round his hips. His already hard erection strained against the jeans he was wearing, and Alexa could feel it pressed into her core. She wasn't wearing much, and it seemed like Hunter's body was completely in tune with that fact.

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