Chapter Nine

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Photo of Hunter as a wolf off to the side! >>>>>>>>> Hopefully it works! If not let me know! =]

Hunter slowly moved his lips away from Alexa's, his hand on her cheek and his other hand on her waist. Her eyes were closed, lips still parted slightly from their sudden kiss. Her eyes fluttered open, and through half lidded eyes she gazed up at her mate, watching the love shine in his.

"That was... wow..." she whispered. He nodded slowly, gulping down the large, painful lump in his throat and lowering his eyes gazing at her lips again. He was in the haze of their lingering kiss, but the longer the silence continued, the more he realised what he'd just done. His eyebrows shot up and he quickly moved away from Alexa, Ivan whimpering in pain at being ripped away from his mate so suddenly.

"I'm... I'm so sorry Alexa!" he cried out in shock, "I won't... I won't do... do that again!" Hunter's fists clenched tightly at his sides, and he could feel Ivan straining at the walls again, wanting to beat some sense into his human counter part.

"Our mate! Kiss her again!" Ivan roared, angrily. "What are you doing?!"

"I'm sorry... I can't... I just can't..." Hunter said, still scared.

Before Hunter or Ivan could say anything else, he felt fingers run themselves over his knuckles and grasp his fingers tightly. His eyes focused properly again, and he was shocked to see his mate standing so close to him again, a small smile on her face.

"Hunter... would you like to join me for a walk?" she asked, kindly.

Hunter nodded stiffly, thankful for the interruption of his and Ivan's argument. She took his hand gently, and led him out of the attic slowly. As Hunter made his way through the attic doorway, he was shocked to see his dad standing in front of them, a surprised look on his face as he saw his son walk towards him.

With his son now willingly out of his beloved attic, Alpha Derek could barely contain his emotions. He was shaking, tears brimming unshed at the corners of his eyes, and palms sweating nervously. He'd thought for years about what he'd say to Hunter when he next saw him, and all that planning was forgotten the moment he laid eyes on him. Now he could get a proper look at him, what struck him first were his eyes, whilst the rest of his grown up son was the spitting image of the Alpha himself, looking into his eyes was like looking directly into the soul of his mate, the previous Luna. Derek felt his heart constrict, beforehand when he saw him there had been other things to think about, but looking at him now made Derek feel like he'd failed his son for the past 12 years.

Alexa moved off to the side, slowly releasing her hold on Hunter's hand, who like his dad, was stood there staring in confusion and shock.

"Is this Hunter... or Ivan I'm talking to?" Derek asked, unsure.

"Uh... Hunter. It's Hunter..."

"Oh God, Hunter!" Derek cried out, rushing towards his son with open arms, and wrapping them tightly round his shoulders. "I'm so sorry! I should have tried to get you out of there faster, sooner..." In his shock, Hunter quickly shrank back into his subconcious, and Ivan swiftly took over.

His hands came up to rest on Derek's shoulders, and he gently pushed him away.

"Derek," he said. "My apologies but Hunter is unable to continue our conversation."

"Oh..." Derek whispered, disappointed. "Sorry, not to sound rude, but I thought I'd have a bit longer talking to my son... rather than his wolf."

Ivan nodded, stiffly. He fully appreciated Derek's sadness, and bore no grudge against Derek for his words. "I completely understand Alpha, he can hear you, he just can't work through his emotions right now. If you would excuse me, my mate and I were going to head out for a walk." He nodded again, and grabbed Alexa's hand once more before heading down the rickety old stairs, leaving his Alpha and father standing by the attic door, feeling more useless than he did before.

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