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red and red

blue and blue

yellow and yellow

a sun on the corner

an azure sky and

ripening mangoes

bleed on my tongue

the punches still hurt

and he was so mean

but, he's gone and

now, i can watch television in peace

(this is the life)

red and blue

blue and red

yellow and yellow

the sun is inching towards the center

and the sky is getting a bit darker

the mangoes are ripe and they cry on my tongue

i'm stuck on a tropical island

and i can't find my way back home

she's like him: a monster

and the new guy sucks too

i hope i can float my way back

(i think i'm gonna die out here)

red and yellow

blue and green (a new color)

yellow and blue

red and green

the sun is at center stage,

but it's dim and the sky is dark and

the mangoes are gonna get rotten,

but they still taste sweet

i found my way back,

but everything is distorted

the couch is my new bed

and it isn't as sheltered as it used to be

there is nothing on

and the remote is getting slower

(i think it needs batteries)

my sanctuary is occupied,

but at least i'm far away from satan

(at least i'm still breathing)

red and red

blue and yellow

yellow and green

green and a chipped blue

the sun is fading and it stays on the center

the sky is black and the mangoes are decaying

realismTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon