the treatment for mortality

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when i fade,

don't let me go

when will you go? when will you become quondam? what will the clock say?

time holds no answers

i'll find out when i see

the black hole stars and

when the moon is drenched with me

with me

with my words

with my atman

with me

how will i remember? how will i remember the dripping moon? how will i remember the vortexes that consume the body? how will i remember when i'm drizzling asteroids and ingesting nebulae? how will i remember when gaia returns me to her womb?

through your cords

through the baritones

and the altos

and the sopranos

through the chiming orchestra

and the melodious conductor

through your hands

through the ink

and the tree you hold

through the words of your future

through the words of yesterday

how do you think they remembered cobain?

how do you think they remembered cleopatra?

through voices

through words

through later

and through yesterday

i may fade,

but i'll still be here

if you hold on

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