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We go to sleep, me in my underwear and bra. Him in his underwear, we get under the warm covers. So soft and comforting, then his arms wrap around me. "Goodnight." He whispered into my ear, then kissing my temple. "Good night."I whisper back, scooting closer to him.

When I wake up, Nick is gone. Guess he must be upstairs. I get up, and take off the warm covers. Cold air infects my skin like an epidemic- oh. Wait, we are in an epidemic. Scratch that. Haha. I go into the bathroom, and look in the mirror. Hair all messed up, then I notice the bruises. I guess from traveling, fighting, and getting grabbed my Chris. I throw on a long sleeve shirt to hide the bruises, and put on jogger sweatpants. My hair goes into the same messy bun as usual. I go out, and head upstairs. The sweet aroma of coffee fills my nose, so I walk into the kitchen. There's already some brewed, I look around for mugs. I find a large mug, and fill it up. Then I go get creamer, and put it in. I inhale the sweet aroma, it's great feeling normal, for once.

A/N- ALMOST 300 READS!! THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE! I thank you for reading it and continuing reading. Sorry for the late updates, but I'll try to do it at least once a week. My next goal is to get my Tom Hiddleston Imagine book to 100 reads. But thank you!! Keep reading!! :)

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