I'm still in the closet, she eyes Nick suspiciously then walks out. "You can come out of the closet it'll be ok." He says softly, I peek my head out. He smiles, man he is cute. "Why was she talking about heroin?" I ask getting out of the closet, and walking towards him. "Uh. Listen, it's probably better if you sit down for this. It's a long story." He says, gently pulling my arms towards him, then we walk and sit on the bed. He tells me about how when he was 13 his father had died. Then he started getting into drugs, and got kicked out of high school. He continued to college, but drugs overtook him. So he got kicked out again. Then he had gotten high, and saw something extremely disturbing. He was at the church, looking for his drug buddy, Gloria. He saw lots of dead people. Once he found Gloria, she wasn't alive. Or dead. She was found eating another drug buddy. He then went to where it lead to getting hit by Chris's car. "And that's my life." He ended. He wasn't looking at me thank goodness. Tears had streamed down my face, I tried my best not to sniffle. He kept staring at the ground, obviously deep in thought. I try breathing through my nose, but it causes a sniffle. His eyes shoot from the floor to mine, I freeze. "Oh my gosh, Bri." He says, scooting closer to me and hugging me. It made me cry more, but at least I was being comforted. "Darling I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you were crying." He said, I buried my face into his shoulder. He put his head on top of mine, and put a hand around the cure of my neck. He stroked my hair. We sat like this for at least 20 minutes. Then someone came in and I froze, a fight was about to break out.

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