I'm wearing my favorite grey sweatpants, and a black t-shirt with the messiest hair bun ever. I'm in the passenger seat of my boyfriend's car, Chris. He sits there, driving along L.A., we are both dressed comfortably. All of a sudden, Justin Beiber's "Baby" comes on. "NO NO!" I say laughing trying to turn it down, I dread Justin Beiber's music. "Haha! No I'm turning it up babe! Because I know how much you love JB!" Chris laughs swatting at my hand, turning the music up. "No!" I giggle covering my ears. I can't hear much, well I can but it's extremely muffled. I watch as Chris lip syncs the horrid song. "Chris, Chris!" I yell pointing to front of the car. He had just hit someone running from something. Chris slams on the brakes, the pedestrian had turned around and was hit. I unbuckle quickly and jump out. Chris puts the car in park, and gets out too. "Hello? Can you hear me?" I say, hovering over a teen male, I move the shaggy hair out of the boy's face. He winces in pain, turning onto his back. I search his body for injuries, as Chris calls 911. Soon an ambulance comes, picks up the guy and quickly drives to the hospital. Chris and I get in the car, Chris wide eyed. "Are you ok?" I ask, grabbing his hand. "Yeah. I think-I think I know him." Chris says, pulling away. He puts the car in drive. We drive off to the hospital. Nothing but silence fills the car. I don't know what's wrong with Chris, I've meet seen him so shocked. We arrive at the hospital and go to the receptionist. I follow behind Chris as he walks towards the desk. "Hi. How can I-" the lady starts, but Chris cuts her off. "Is there a Nick Clark here?" Chris asks grabbing my hand. "Yes. Let me get his room number for you." The lady replied happily. She then gives Chris the room number. We find the room with the young man, or Nick Clark, there are two cops in there questioning him. Nick obviously isn't interested, he keeps staring at me. "Hey, hey! Chris my main man!" Nick exclaims with a huge grin. Chris and I walk in there, Chris says a quiet hello. We sit down. "And hello, hot lady." Nick winks at me flirting. "Um excuse me?!" I say getting up, defensively. "Fiesty." Nick says, still having that cheeky grin. I start to make my way to punch him, but an officer stops me. "Now miss. Let's not start anything, please sit." He says firmly. I sit down, still glaring at him. Chris gets up as I sit down. "Babe what are you doing?" I ask him. "I-uh. I gotta call my dad." He answers. I nod, and get on my phone.

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