His Little Soldier

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A/n- replace she, her and that with him, his and that if your male.

Cullen and Reader

'He was always looked up at, hardly ever looked down upon. Some feared him, others awed at his greatness. I did neither,'

'She was small, never really noticed much. But she was like a storm waiting to destroy her next target. She's one of my best soldiers,'

Readers POV

I watched the Inquisitor walk past me, talking to her advisor as she walked past. She was placed in that position by accident, I chose my path. Yet, she seemed to adjust to it just fine.

She was smaller than me, most elves are. It made me slightly proud in a way. It made me feel taller whenever I was near her, or even just watching from a distance. Especially seeming how I was assigned by Commander Cullen to protect and watch over her. She hasn't caught me at all yet.

I felt sorry for her in a way. That guy she's having an affair or something seems to be hiding something from us all. Solas. Why would one call their child proud? Well, he does seem kind of up himself sometimes. Maybe that name does perfectly suit him!

"Pssst! (Y/n)!" A voice whispered at me. I looked around to see the small glint of a soldiers helmet behind the side of the door. I looked around once more before walking in that direction. As soon as I walked through the door, I was yanked to the side.
"Commander Cullen wants you in his office for a report," my fellow comrade smiled.
"But she's gotta go out in a few!" I frowned. "Can't I report later?"
"He said immediately. If you want to defy him, go ahead!" He snapped before running off.

"By the Maker!" I cursed under my breath before storming off towards Commanded Cullen's office. I opened the door of his office harshly, not really caring that he is my superior. He quickly looked up at my annoyed figure and smiled. Before I knew it, I had calmed down a bit at that.
"(Y/n)," he smiled. His voice sounded husky and calm and it somehow made me blush. I shook that thought away and looked but at Cullen.
"Commander," I responded. "I do have a report on the Inquisitor for you, but that will have to wait for now. The Inquisitor is preparing to set out soon and I too must be prepared. The area where she is heading is dangerous, so I must use this time wisely,".

He was silent for a bit, fiddling with his papers.
"Ok. You shall be dismissed. Just promise to come back safely," he stated, putting my off guard.
"So he does care," I smirk, causing a tint of red to form on his cheeks. "I cannot make any promises though. I am a soldier after all, ready to be disposed of any time,".
"You are worth more than that," he replied, walking towards me. As soon as he was near me, his hand reached and held my cheek. Queue my turn to blush.
"You are worth more to me than anything, My Little Soldier "

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