How To Save A Life

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"I just called the city and we're cleared to play tonight, Liddy... As long as we don't go past midnight," Stevie tells Lindsey, as she had just gotten off the phone with the mayor of the town.

"Well, we were gonna play whether they liked it or not... Huh?" Lindsey asks, as Stevie gives him a stern look.

"Come on, Lindsey... You know that people are gonna flock over here, to see a free Fleetwood Mac concert.. Plus, we needed a stage to perform on, and all that good stuff that goes along with performing.." Stevie said, as Lindsey laughs at her.

"Steph, we would have been fine with performing without a stage for once... Chris has her keyboard; Mick has his drums; I have my second lovers— My guitars," Lindsey teases, as Stevie rolls her eyes.

"And you have your beautiful God given talent with you 24/7," Lindsey said, as puts his left hand on the small of Stevie's back, as he moves his right hand up her neck, as he grabs her face, and leans his head in to give her a deep and passionate kiss.

"Mm," Stevie moans, as she wraps her arm around Lindsey's back, and wraps her legs around his waist, as he lifts her up. Not breaking the kiss.

"Li-Lindsey... What are you doing?"

"Sweeping my woman off her feet, and taking her up to the bedroom. That's what I'm doing," Lindsey smiles, as he kisses Stevie passionately once more.

"Aw, my knight in shining, whatever," Stevie said, sounding like a love struck teenager.

Lindsey walked up the stairs carrying Stevie, all the while never breaking yet another deep and passionate kiss.

"Hey, guys... Same old, same old, huh?" Christine said with a laugh, as she has the bathroom door open, while brushing her teeth.

"They didn't even hear me?" Christine laughs, before spitting into the sink. "These sleepovers need to end," She tells herself.

"You want to go on down to funky town?" Lindsey smirks, as he laid Stevie gently down on the bed.

"Talk about it, talk about it, talk about iiittttt" Lindsey starts to sing to 'Funky Town.'

"You take me to... Funky towwwwn. Won't you take me to funky towwwwn?" Lindsey continues to sing.

"Please take me to funky town, mister... I don't get no good lovin' from my husband at home. I just don't know what to do with myself," Said Stevie in a slutty voice, as she acts like she's fanning herself with her hands.

"I think you got some good lovin' from your husband at home," Lindsey plays along, rubbing her stomach; referring to her being pregnant.

*Funky Town, written by Steven Greenberg— Recorded by Lipps inc.*

"Oh, no.. That's not my husband's baby. That's someone else's..." Stevie jests, as she puts the covers over her head, hiding her face.

"Ohh, naughty... I like it," Lindsey plays along.

"Can daddy just treat mommy like the bad girl that she is?! Please?!" Stevie exclaims, breaking out of character.

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