Jay x Cole

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Today was the day when Kai, Zane, Nya, Sensei Wu and Sensei Garmadon decided to go to new Ninjago city and take a day off. But two ninja who didn't take day off were Jay and Cole. They were still fighting over Nya's heart. They were still at monastery sitting across each other. Then one of them spoke. "You know, there is still one thing what we can do together." Cole said. "And what is it?" Said Jay still angry. "Play video game's!" Cole said. "Well, that is something we can do together, but that changes nothing!" Jay said. Cole just rolled his eyes and went to put the game on.

Time skip

Jay's P.O.V

We played for about half an hour, and neither of us have on yet. But if seriously, I have played this game hundred time's. And I know all move's, combos and all that, I could easily win. But, I just wanted to spend some time with Cole. Of course, I'm still mad at him for stealing Nya from me, but at the same time I have a crush on him. Anyway, we were just playing, and I noticed that Cole was winning. "Ha! I'm going to win!" He said in happy tone. "No way! You stole Nya from me! And I won't let you steal this victory too!" I said in angry tone. Then I pushed him, what caused him to drop controller. Then, I saw that his hand turned into a fist. 'Oh crap...' I thought. (It was this moment he knew, he f**ked up. Sorry, I had to XD) "Jay, can you stop acting like a child for at least on day?! I tried to act nice and thought that we can be friends again, But I guess that I was wrong." He said in angry tone as he got closer to me. Then he picked me up. "I can't believe that I wanted to be friend of stupid, useless and weak ninja!" He yelled and punched me right in the stomach. Then he dropped me on the floor, and looked at me with shocked expression. "J-Jay, I-I'm so-" I cut him of before he could say anything else. "Don't say that. I don't want to hear it." I got up and tried to go out of the room, but at that moment, I felt something rise up my throat. I fell on my knees and puked. Then everything went black.

Cole's P.O.V.

"Jay!" I screamed when I saw Jay fall on the floor. Lucky, I was fast enough to catch him from falling in his own vomit. "Jay? Jay!" I shook a bit, hoping he will wake up. "Oh, what have I done?" I asked myself, feeling tears well up in my eyes. 'No, that is not time for tears! I need to help him!' I thought, and went to his room.

Time skip

I just got call from Kai, and he said that they all will be gone for at least week, just great. And now, I just have to wait until Jay wake's up, and call's an idiot for what I've done. Why did I did that? Why did I got so mad? That Jay started to wake up. "Agh, what happened?" He asked. "Jay! Oh thanks Goodness! JayImsosorryforwhatIdidIdontknowwhatcameovermeImsorry-" "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down a little bit! I didn't understand any word of what you just said!" He said. "I said, I'm so sorry for what I did, I don't know what came over me. And before you stopped me, I wanted to say that I'm sorry for all that I said and did. I know you won't forgive me for this. But there's another thing that I want you to know." I said. I looked him in the eyes and took his hand. "I don't love Nya. At least not as much as I love you." I said. Now, he was blushing. "Ever since that day you attacked me, I regretted attacking back. As day's went by, I started to fall for you more and more, and I know that you won't accept my feelings, and won't feel the same way, but I just needed to get that off my chest." I said and was already got up to get out of the room, but got stopped by Jay. "Don't judge too quickly." He said, and tugged me back down. "Just because of the argument that we had there, doesn't mean that I hate you." He said. "B-but what about fight over Nya?" I asked confused. "Well, I was angry at first, but now" He trailed of, "B-but now what?" I asked again. "But now... I understood that I don't love her. The one who I love, is standing right in front of me." He said as he kissed me. I was shocked at first, but then kissed back. After a few minuets, we pulled a part. We just stayed silent.

Time skip (OK, this is the last time skip, I promis!)

Jay's P.O.V.

I still can't believe it. Me and Cole are finally together! And of course, ther's nobody at home. Expect for me and Cole. But, I gusse that it's OK, as long as we don't have to explain everything that happened here.

OK, I'm so so so so so sorry, I wanted to update much sooner, but it turned out way later then I expected. But I still hope that you liked it! So, don't forget to add, vote, and to leave request and question. OK I'm out, bye!

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