Chapter 25: New York Troubles

Start from the beginning

"Mom, I'm a grown woman now. I know how to handle myself, and with all due respect, my love life is none of your business. I realize you're just trying to help, but Jaden and I sorted it all out, and I forgave him."

"Danielle, I'm just saying... I don't think that was the best idea. I love Jaden, I do, but I don't think that you should reward him for breaking your heart like that."

"I never rewarded him. He went through hell just like I did, then went over and beyond to win my trust back."

"Are you su-"

"Mother," I interrupted, "Conversation over. I'll see you tomorrow." I took the phone from my ear, and ended the call. Leaning on the counter, I buried my face in my hands. "SHIT!"

"Profanity doesn't solve problems." I lifted my head to see Sky leaning on the counter beside me.

"No, but it makes me feel better. Can you believe my mother?"

She shrugged. "Did she not know you and Jaden were back together?"

"She said she's seen us in the tabloids. She thinks I was stupid to give Jaden another chance... Do you think it was a bad choice?"

She chuckled. "Seeing as I was the leader of #OperationJanielle, no. But I've been here since Day 1 of your guy's relationship. I've seen how much you love each other, I've seen how broken you guys are without each other. To me it's only logical for you guys to be together."

"That's obviously something my mother doesn't understand."

"On the other hand, your mother was there when it first happened. She saw the pain he caused you, and she doesn't want that again."

"Jaden promised he wouldn't hurt me again. Hence the promise ring." I held up my right hand so my ring was in plain view.

"And I believe him... But tell me this, do you think Jaden tried to hurt you? He definitely did not wake up that morning and say 'I'm going to cheat'. Things happen, Dani, and not everything can be planned."

I stood there looking at my feet, knowing what she said was true. A silence passed between us, before Jaden walked in.

"Hey baby." He kissed my cheek, but I didn't react. "You okay?"

"I'll give you guys time to talk." Sky said, taking the plate of sandwiches and walking out.

"What's wrong?" Jaden asked with a concerned look on his face.

I hopped up and sat on the counter, again looking down at my feet. "Do you love me?"

"Danielle, I'm sure you already know that answer."

I sighed. "Of course I do."

"But just in case you just need to hear it," He walked in front of me, and wrapped one arm around my waist, lifting my head with his index finger, "I love you, with all my heart."

"I love you, too." I smiled trying to hide how upset I really was, and kissed his lips.

"You're still sad..." Jaden said, pulling away. "Why?"

I sighed again. "I just got off the phone with my mother, and since the last time we were in New York didn't really work out so well, she thinks that we should not be together... She says it was a bad decision for me to take you back, and 'I should not have rewarded you'." I said with quotations.

Jaden placed his hand on my face, sliding his thumb across my cheek. "Danielle, no one knows us like us. No one else knows our ups, and our downs, but us and our closest friends. My family doesn't even know the whole story. So guess what? What others say has no relevance. We love each other, and that is all that matters. We're in a great place together right now, and no one can mess that up, despite how hard they try."

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