1. Falling

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i'm so excited to be finally putting this story out. if you haven't already, please check out "Supernatural Imagines" featured on my page!

This is a mini-series from the book, and future updates will be featured here.

Some words or parts of this chapter may be different from the original featured in the book.


You grunted and slashed the machete across a vampire's neck. It's head came clean off, and you felt relieved for half a second until you realized you and Sam had two more vampires to fight. He had both of them on him, so you ran quickly to aid him.

You jumped on one's back as Sam punched the other in the face. You locked your hands around it's neck, along with your feet, and he started to struggle.

You grunted as he slammed you back against a wall, and you squeezed your eyes shut blocking out the night sky above you.

When you opened them again, the vampire was still struggling to get you off of him, and Sam was about to win the fight with the vampire fighting him. A lump quickly formed in your throat when you saw Dean lying unconscious in the corner, sadly already out when you and Sam had arrived. You turned your attention back to the vampire when he started walking backwards towards the building's balcony.

Fear ran through your blood like ice, which was surprising considering the cold night air surrounding you.

You kicked your foot against his stomach, but he didn't stop. Sam sliced the head off the vampire, and just as he turned to look at you, the vampire hit the fence of the balcony, and pulled your hands off. You were launched off the roof-top and the breath left your throat. You blindly reached out gripping air. Sam's horrified face was the last thing you saw as you started to fall.

It happened faster than you could believe, but it was slowing down. You were passing broken windows of the abandoned warehouse you'd travelled through. Suddenly, you were very aware of the cold air rushing past you.

You couldn't scream because your stomach was in your throat, and your heart beating rapidly. Faster than you'd ever felt.

Then it stopped.

And you hit the ground.

To you, it was the loudest smack you'd ever heard.

To anyone else, it probably would have been the loudest crunch they'd ever heard.

You'd just fallen 3 stories, flat on your back. Blood was seeping from different parts of your body. But, mainly from a wound in your stomach.

Where an old crowbar was sticking through you. Blood started to come up your throat, and tears burn your eyes. The pain hit you. Everything hurt, your back, knees, stomach especially, and your head. You felt your breathing become intensely labored as you started to cry.

You couldn't help it. Your fingers moved, attempting to do something but failing anyways. A struggled scream came from your mouth as you hit the ground with a weak fist.

Your head stayed on the ground, and one thought came to your head,

Why am I not dead yet?

It was interrupted by a scream,

"Y/n!" his voice was scared. Terrified. You could understand why.

Sam quickly came into your blackening view.

This. This is why I'm not dead.

Tears quickly ran down his face as he tried to smile at you.

"Hey, hey," he smiled, tears falling into the lines,

"Don't cry, don't let the tears fall, you'll be okay, darling I know" his voice dropped to a low whisper when he recited your favorite line from your favorite poem. You choked on some blood in your throat, but felt the small smile on your face as tears slowly dripped from the corners of your eyes.

"Cas," he whispered softly,

"Cas please," but sadly Cas never came. Sam would come to find out that he was being held captive in Heaven.

Your eyes slowly fluttered shut, and Sam pulled you off the crowbar, and into his lap. You didn't feel any pain, it had slowly numbed. You started to sob,

"No, no, shh," Sam said kissing the top of your head,

"Don't cry, shh," he shushed again, and you could feel the warm tear hit your scalp. You breathed out one last time,

"I love you so much," he said putting his forehead on top of your head.

"Sleep well," he said as your chest stopped moving, and noise didn't come from you.

Your heart had stopped beating, and your body would soon be cold.

Sam couldn't help the sobs that wracked his body.


Yay! Hello everyone!

To those that don't know me, hello! My name is Kay Davis, and I've been an author on Wattpad for about two years now. I am obsessed with Supernatural, so much so I currently am collaborating with my friend br_ren on Supernatural Imagines. We have over 70k reads, and would love for you to be one of our readers!

To those that are here from Supernatural Imagines, welcome back! I'm very excited to be writing here, as it was requested by many of you! I don't know how many chapters this book will feature, but I hope you all love it!

Now I have to go, as I start school tomorrow, but I will be posting the 2nd chapter very soon!

remember to always keep fighting because you are not alone,


Falling  (Short Story from Supernatural Imagines)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum