"Calypso?" Percy called.

After a moment or so, a girl stepped out from the curtain. She was breathtakingly beautiful, with long braided caramel hair, almond shaped dark eyes, and a timeless, delicate face. Her slim figure was covered by a white chiton, secured at her waist with a gold belt. Bracelets decorated her wrists, and sandals adorned her feet.

Calypso smiled at Percy. "Oh, I can't believe you're back, Perseus!" She rushed over, holding up her skirts. I couldn't help the pang of jealousy in my chest. "They never come back." Her tone was sad.

Percy grinned, and gripped my hand. He knew what I was thinking, of course he did. "The place hasn't changed. Still beautiful as ever."

Calypso smiled again, but I caught the disappointed gleam in her brown eyes. She turned to face the rest of the crew, as well as those from the Argo. Everyone was here except for Nico, we still hadn't found him.

Jason and Reyna introduced themselves, as did Thalia. Calypso seemed to like Jason, no doubt attracted to his ruggedly good looks, but he was still nothing compared to Percy.

Calypso turned to lead us into her cave, beckoning for us to follow her. I gripped Percy's hand so tight that I might've even hurt him, but if I did, he didn't show it. My whole body tingled with distrust. And last time I'd felt that, Nico had locked me in the closet.

But Calypso wouldn't be like that. Her island only let the pure of heart enter, so surely its only permanent inhabitant would be.

"I'm sorry that the cave isn't suited for so many guests, but we'll find other places for you." Calypso said, a cheery smile on her face that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Yes, indeed we will." A new voice said. A voice so familiar it sent shivers down my back and made me want to cower away. A voice laced thick with hate, rage and a kind of sadness.


"How nice of you to join us." He stepped out of the shadows, an evil grin adorning his handsome face.

Percy snapped into action. In milliseconds Riptide was in his hand, and he was standing firmly in front me, protecting me. Though he said nothing and I couldn't see his face, I could feel the anger radiated off him in powerful waves.

Luke's smile grew wider. "You must be shocked to see me here, Percy."

"Only that Calypso could be so foolish as to believe anything you said to her." Percy snarled.

Calypso visibly winced, her eyes full of pain. "He promised to get me out of the here, you have to understand-"

"Stop," Percy interjected. "He's lying to you Calypso and you can't see it. You really think he can take away the curse?"

A tear from from her eye.

"Well, its gratifying to know you hold such faith in me Perseus. But, if you excuse me, I have a prize to take."

And Luke lunged forward, sword aimed at Percy's heart.

Percy's POV

Luke lunged at me, sword aimed at my heart.

I knocked the strike away effortless, swinging back at Luke and engaging in battle with the filthy monster.

The rest of crew sprang into action, even Annabeth. She ripped her dagger, Mom's dagger, out of its sheath and blocked a soldier's attack. I couldn't help but think of how beautiful she was, swirling through the battle, her blonde hair flowing behind her and her determined grey eyes flashing. She was so much like Atalanta that it was painful, and that made my anger rise as I pummelled Luke with aggressive assaults.

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