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This scenario will be about you, your best friend, [C/N], and his best friend having a sleepover! [B/F/N] means "best friend name" and [C/B/F/N] means "crush's best friend name." I ship my best friend and my crush's best friend <3. Also, just telling you-- I've never been to a sleepover so I am assuming this is what happens. On with da story!
Word count: 1693

"[Y/N]!" Your friend repeatedly shouted, pestering you. You were sure that you we're going to blow a fuse. "[Y/N]!" They shouted again, this time in your ear.

"What?!" You replied, abruptly stopping from walking.

"I'm having a sleepover, and I was wondering if you would like to come."

You groaned. "What's in it for me?"

[B/F/N] wiggled their eyebrows and nudged you. "[C/N] will be there!"

"Really?!" You screamed-- a little too loudly. "Oops."

[B/F/N] threw their arms in the air. "Yeah! I have everything planned out--"

"You invited [C/B/F/N], didn't you?" You rose an eyebrow, staring at her.

[B/F/N] blushed furiously. "Er- so what if I did?"

You continued walking with [B/F/N] trailing close behind. "Oh, nothing~"

~Le Time Skip a Few Days Later at [B/F/N]'s house~

You pounded your fist against the front door of [B/F/N]'s house. "[B/F/N], for god's sake! You know who I am! Let me in!"

Immediately after those words, the door swung open to reveal [B/F/N] standing in their pajamas. Once they saw you, they turned around and shouted, "You guys! [Y/N] is here!"

You laughed when you heard a faint, "Woo woot!" From [C/B/F/N].

[B/F/N] turned back to you and held the door open. "C'mon! Go take a seat at the table. My parents are out for at a date or something."

You gladly walked in with your sleeping bag and looked around for the table. Meanwhile, [B/F/N] was still at the door trying to figure out how to lock the damn thing.

"Hey, [Y/N]." [C/N] waved at you as you walked over to a chair next to him, smiling. [C/N] looked so adorable, wearing Batman pajamas.

"So," [C/B/F/N] piped up, "-what are we doing?"

[B/F/N] finally walked over to a chair next to [C/B/F/N] and responded, smirking, "Truth or dare?"

You obviously knew what she was plotting, so you quickly hopped out of your chair and ran for the door, screaming, "NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE!"

As you were merely inches away from the door, there was a deathly grip on the back of your shirt, keeping you from running away. "Not so fast!" The familiar voice chirped.

You were then dragged back to the table and was forced to sit back down in your seat by your best friend. "Little shit..." You muttered under your breath. [C/N] must've heard you because he snorted.

[C/B/F/N] laughed darkly and almost sounded demonic, saying, "You can't leave now! We are not going to endure this while you are out frolicking in flowers or something." Sometimes, you thought [C/B/F/N] was perfect for [B/F/N].

[B/F/N] rubbed her hands together. "Now, let's start! [Y/N] will go first! [C/N], ask her a question!" You nearly peed your pants when you heard her say your name.

You turned your head to [C/N]. He cleared his throat and scratched the back if his neck with a light blush. "O-okay. [Y/N], truth or dare?"

You debated in your head. If you say truth, there is a chance he might ask who your crush is. But, if you say dare, he might tell you to do something disgusting. You shuddered at the thought. Well, he might say something else for dare, right?

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