Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter 21

(Sinec there was a long wait, RECAP: Flo is with Leslie when Katia calls her, saying that she knows  that Jason had cheated on Mel)

How does Kat know?! A million different possiblilities course through my mind. Did Mel tell her? Did Mel know? 

"Flo?" Katia asks.

 "Here," I say, finding my voice. "Actually, Kat... I already knew."

Kat doesn't say anything. "Kat?" I ask tentatively.

"I'm here. How did you know?" she inquires, as always, keeping her voice under control. 

"Les told me." At the mention of her name, Leslie jumps a bit.

"Leslie knows?"

"Yea, Rubia told her," I say, my voice trembling a little.

"Oh." Katia answers listlessy. "Okay, I should go be with Mel now. See you tomorrow."

Since when do Kat and Mel get along? But I answer 'Yes' and hang up.

"Les, Kat knows," I anounce.

Leslie does a double take as we walk into th parking lot.

"Excuse me??" she finally sputters. "Did you actually just say that?"

I nod, grinning slightly as her reaction. "I'm afraid I did."


"Dunno." I sip my smoothie thoughtfully. "We'll see her tomorrow..."

"I don't even want to think about school." Leslie groans, unlocking the door to her car.

"Me neither." And I slam my car door closed.

Jason Furber

"Hey man," My best friend Jackson greets me. "You coming to Logan's party next week?"

I shrug, not really in the mood for talking on a Monday morning. My bag bounces on my shoulder as I turn round the corner. Jackson is still following me, annoyingly. 

"C'mon, man!" he groans. "It's gonna be really damn awesome. And you might hook up again." He winks. "Rubia Quinn, eh? Good catch."

I frown at him. Everyone acts like I'm flouncing the Rubia thing, like I'm proud of it. But I'm not! I regret what we did. I'm not a complete jerk, okay?

"I have homework," I sputter. "And how d'you know about Rubia?"

"Aw, c'mon, everyone knows," Jackson grins teasingly. "Rubia pretty much told the world on Facebook..."

"What the-" I choke on my words. I didn't really check any social networking websites or my texts in the week-end, not wanting to deal with the school drama.

"You really didn't see it?" Jackson despairingly rolls his eyes. "Okay, whatever. Do you have AP Calculus now?"

I nod, still bewildered. Why would Rubia do that? I knew she was a manipulative whore but... still!

As we enter the Calculus classroom, Jackson still animatedly talking, I see a free seat next to Katia. I make a beeline for it but as I reach it, she pointedly clears her stuff away, and goes to sit in the middle of the classroom. 

Feeling a bit dejected, I turn back to Jackson. 

"Dude... are you into her now?" he whispers extremely loudly.

Yes. At least, I think I am.

"Shit Jackson, you're such a girl," I snicker. "So into girlfriends and things. C'mon." I plunk my bag into the seat behind Katia and Jackson next to me.

Flo and Leslie enter the room, talking animatedly. "Hey, Kat!" Flo waves. 

"Hi, Flo," Katia says. "Wanna sit?"

"Thanks," Flo says, grinning. She plops down next to Katia, and Leslie waves and grins to Katia before sitting down on the other side of Flo.

Mr. Kallas comes in and gives us the usual boring lecture. To distract myself, I stare at the three heads before me.

Leslie's dirty blonde ponytail is rigid, unmoving and perfectly styled, not a hair out of place in it. As if sensing my thoughts, Leslie pulls out the rubber band out of her hair, rakes her hands through it, mussing it up just enough and tied it back. The ponytail remains rigid and perfect.

Flo's auburn hair loose in waves around her oval shaped face. It is light and sleek, but less perfectly combed than Leslie's blonde mane. It hangs in ringlets, covering her whole back with it's admirable length.

Katia's caramel colored curls are my favorite, though.She has put them in a messy side braid it is evident she has no idea who to braid her hair. The braid is loose and hanging and she has tucked many stray locks behind her adorable pointy ears. 

Funnily, the hair tells me the personality of these three lovely girls...

I try to imagine Mel's hair, but realize I can't. All I remember that it was blonde... and curly. I realize I never paid much attention to our relationship, and I sigh.

My phone buzzes and for once I don't ignore it. I discretely take it out, and see that it was Jackson that texted me.

What? I reply to him, annoyed.

You know Cam Bennett? He writes back. Mr. Kallas had ears like a hawk but terrible eyes. That's why we prefer to text in his classes.

Camille? The readhead?

Yes, he writes back. The hot one. Think she'd do me?

Crap Jackson, you're hopeless, I write back smirking. 

Dude, Im kidding. Well, she told me she thinks you're hot.

And? I barely know her. I roll my eyes as I write the message. 

Who gives a shit? She's really hot. Comes the reply.

Fine. Introduce me to her, k?

Gladly, He texts back.

When the bell ring and the three girls turn to stuff their books into their bags, not only does Katia look pointedly away from me, but Leslie and Flo look at me reprovingly. 

God, what did I friggin do to them?

I look at them inquiringly and as they don't answer, I say loudly to Jackson, "Well, are you gonna introduce me to Cam? I need to know my future girlfriend."

Katia doesn't even flinch, but I know she has heard which gives me satisfaction.

"Right now," Jackson beams.

"Amazing, let's go."

I cannot say how sorry I am for the wait. I had important exams and I studied a lot. Please forgive me for the overlong wait, I know it was over a month and that I have lost a lot of readers and I'm so, so, sorry!!:((

Dedicated to @shifts who is the best Agent Friend ever <3 LYSM!

Thanks to all of you who are still reading this book! And I am so happy for the 100+ votes on it! I can't tell you how much it means to me!!

Sorry again!!!

-Val xx

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