Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

“What is your shoe size?” The lady at the counter asks me.

“Um, eight.”

She hands me a pair of brown hard bowling shoes that look as hard as wood, and I remove my black Converse and put them on.

“Thank you.” I tell her.

“Will you be wanting anything to eat?”

“Uh... yeah, three orders of fries and six cokes.”

“Flo!” Asher comes. “Oh, are you getting food? Here.” He hands me some money, and runs away without listening to my protests.

The lady hands me the order on a tray and I stagger to the lane where my friends are. As soon as Asher catches sight of me he runs to help me with the tray. He puts in on a tray table and everyone is swarming around it.

The bowling TV has six columns:

Column 1: Ash

Column 2: Kat

Column 3: Dan

Column 4: Flo

Column 5: Isa

Column 6: Leo

Oh I guess everyone has only the first three letters of their name. Hah. 

Asher is first to play, and -surprise, surprise- it’s a strike. Everyone is cheering as I munch on a french fry doused in ketchup and gulp down some of my drink.

Katia is next and she gets eight pins out of ten. 

Same for Danny.

Okay. My turn. I grab a ball from the bowling machine and drop it instantly. God, is it heavy. Danny and Leon snigger as I pick it up, my cheeks flaming red. 

I walk to the lane, my right arm weighed by the bowling ball. 

I swing my arm and the ball flies out of my arm, running fast towards the ten white pins at the end of the lane, and...

“Strike!” Asher plants a quick kiss on my cheek then seems to realize what he’s done and walks to sit by Isabel, his face tomato red. I wonder who’s face is redder: his, or mine. I opt for turning and giving a triumphant look to Leon and Danny who had sniggered when I had lost my grip on the bowling ball.

“Way to go, girl.” Katia holds out her hand for a high five, and I oblige. “Haven’t played in six years and a strike the first time!”

I laugh lightly as Isabel walks to the alley and hits the ball hard. Nine out of ten! Wow. 

I casually swing my legs from the bowling machine where I am sitting with Katia as Leon misses and I snigger heartily earning myself a look of annoyance from him. 

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