Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9

“Ehh... Hi.” I say awkwardly. 

Thankfully, Leslie is too preoccupied about her -awful- phone call with Rubia Quinn she doesn’t notice my manner of talking,and just sits on my bed. “Listen, Flo. I’m really sorry but... Lena my sister just called and she needs a ride, she’s at that Ashwood Ranch horseback riding, and it’s very far away and she needs a ride, so if I want to make it in time for the end of-”

“Yeah, you can go.”  I say nonchalantly chewing my gum and hoping she doesn’t notice the fact that I am lying through my teeth. “Anyway,my cousin Hanna is coming over soon.”

“Cool.” Leslie gives me a wide smile, making her strawberry gum that is sticking to her teeth nearly fall out and catching it with her tongue. “Well I hope you enjoy with Hanna!”

“She’s like, six. But she’s cute. Anyway, bye.” I say returning her wide smile, but fakely. “You wouldn’t want to be late for... Lena.”

Leslie Valetta’s POV

“You wouldn’t want to be late for... Lena.” Flo’s smile is still present but there is a sudden hostility in the air. I smile nervously and she responds by opening her bedroom door.

“Well, Les, don’t let me keep you.” She says in mock politeness. 

I exit silently, thinking, Flo somehow heard my conversation with Rubia. Flo somehow heard my conversation with Rubia.

Instead of walking with me til the front door like she usually does, she slams the bedroom door with unusual force.

I sadly make my way to the front door.

Both my best friends, Rubia Quinn and Florence Esmond are cold-shouldering me... because of each other.

“Are you alright?” A concerned voice asks.

I spin around to see an older guy staring at me. He must be about one or two years older than Flo. But he definitely has her looks. He has dark hair, the same innocent brown eyes as Flo, and the smile playing at the corners of his full lips is definitely Flo’s playful smile.

For some reason my -composed and flirty- girl act hasn’t been activated yet.


I smile composedly and twist a lock of my hair between my forefinger and index, while leaning against the wall.

“Um. Do I know you?” I ask with  a flirtatious smile.

For some reason the guy bursts out laughing.

“What?” I ask, unnerved.

“Nothing,” He answers, wiping some drool from the corner of his mouth. Ew! “It’s just that... a second ago, you were showing your real self to me, and now you’re acting like a different girl.”

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