
A calm breeze passed over him, almost making him sleep on the cliff grass. "Richie, come. It is lunch time," said a voice to him as he stood from the garden at the cliff. He looked at the sea and said, "Where did I end up?" The monk who stood nearby him said, "Destiny brought you here, so deal with it. Now, lunchtime." Richie took his titanium-gold solid blade and placed it on his back. He walked back down to the center of the shrine. And sat among the meditating monks. Who all seemed silent, as for the one who came with Richie said, "Clear." Every monk disappeared and only he remained with Richie The monk stood up and said, "One must have a clear mind, to set out a goal, and complete one's destiny." Ricky then stood and said, "What about a desire?" The monk silently moved towards a temple hold and beckons him to go inside. They entered together and he sat down saying, "I have taught you all I know, you already know that I'm the last monk, and I only make clones of shadow ink to aid the shrine and the belief that I'm not the only survivor. And so I want to entrust you the cloning technique to you." Richie then asserted and said, "But I'm already a one-man army. Why would I use the cloning technique?" The monk summoned a scroll and opened it. A list of names, dating back to the year 5xx, up to now, where marked with a blood tainted fingerprint and their name written in shadow ink. The monk gave him a little piece of metal, sharp. He grabbed it and got a cut on his hand. His hand was blood tainted and pressed his thumb against the thousand year old paper. Markings with the shadow ink created his name. "Ricardo Thuzeeus," said a voice that whispered on his ear. The monk then gave him a bottle of shadow ink and said, "Come back if you ever need more, but if it isn't the original clone of you, then I won't hand over a resupply of this shadow ink. Go and adventure the world." Richie went to the gate, with his gun-belt, holding his two solid gold magnums. He walked around and saw the sky was dark obscure. He walked around Shunbun, going down cliff, into Asery's North gate. He saw a falling star, so bright and shinny. He crossed the river, and stopped. "Hey narrator, where the hell do I go now?" Ummmm, what's this? This isn't part of the script... "Well duh, I'm obviously the meta character." This has never happened before reader... Oh wait, here comes flying time boy from last 2 chapters. "What do you mean boy, I'm a cycle old, narrator, you are the destiny book, still alive and narrating." Of course, Jer is also the time traveller from book one, who in this script is not explained how did he get to the room of mirrors. Richie, any words? "Where's that Jer guy?" "I'm on Belurk talking to the narrator." "I'm at....Shunbun I think?" Yes, shunbun is a beautiful place, plants are mossy green, rocks are grey and simple, temples and shrines everywhere..... "Narrator, what am I gonna do next?" Richie shut up, I'm trying to tell to our dear reader that, just please, shut up. Jer, get out of here too. Your role is not in this chapter, get out. "ok."

Anyway, back to the script. Ahem.... Richie was walking towards downhill and he saw a girl coming over. It was Shaiden, who seemed a little upset. "Who's Shaiden?" Shut up. She was very angry at something, holding her dagger, like she was about to kill someone. Richie saw her and started to walk towards her. She stopped and said, "Brother." Richie then said passively, "Who me?" She got even angrier and started to charge towards him to attack. As a natural reaction, he pulled out his sword and blocked her. Chancing sword by dagger, sparks were made and and growls were said. She kept attacking him as he blocked her. He didn't knew anything about her, but he started to like defend out. "Yo, narrator. What's up with the girl?" Shhhhhhh. He kept thinking about who this girl was, as she kept colliding sparks with him. She got even more mad and her eyes went more blue than they were. She took away her sword and out of pure rage and anger, engulfed her hand in fire and created a solid rock magma sword, grabbed it and stood against Richie. Her hair was a little more loose. Her speed increased and her sword colliding with Richie was far from insanely fast. Each attack kept stronger and stronger as for he was more serious about the fight. "Narrator, she's crazy!" Wait for it. He kept colliding slash by slash as his eyes grew from dark yellow, to a yellowish color. His other hand was loose so he though maybe he could use his specialty. Small pieces of solid gold floated from the earth as he swung them around like bullets with his hands. She created same like shards of light with her other hand. They kept slashing and fighting. They deflected themselves so hard that they pushed out afar. Countering directions, both looked at each other and she raised her hand as a ball of massive light was being created from her pure rage. He opened his palm and stretched out his fingers, from his shoulder to the floor stretched and with a head turned down, he started to say in a verbal command tone, "Sey........" She whispered against him, "Light...." "Doh......." "Semblance....." "Ken....." "Blade...." The ground shook as if it was a battle between powerful beings. The golden electricity emitting from Richie's hand extended completely covered his arm as he put away his sword. He held his arm, trembling and sparkling electric power. Shaiden rose up the blade and started to infuse her light with the light sphere she was making with her hand. The magma turned into a yellow fiery sword and grabbed it. Her eyes glowed more blue, and her hair loosened and was about to strike with her newly formed blade. Richie continued saying, "Shin......" Shaiden had stood in stance to charge. "Paaaaa...." Richie's electricity had cover his hair and it turned golden bright. He jumped as Shaiden did too. "KUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He collided fist with her blade, and a flash had covered the sky. A fist, a blade, one immortaelik, one human. An outcome..........

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