they're something

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Stiles is shaking with nerves.

As Scott and Peter run off to fight the Alpha twins, Stiles and Jennifer follow Derek who holds an unconscious Cora in his arms to the parking garage Melissa had mentioned, quickly finding the last ambulance. Rushing forward, Stiles opens the back doors of the vehicle, climbing in to help Derek get Cora onto the gurney.

"Derek!" the worried shout of Jennifer echoes through the garage from her spot at the front of the ambulance. "Over here!"

Derek heaves a sigh, rolling his eyes as he walks away from his sister and to the woman who has turned his entire life upside down. He figures he must just have a mating beacon for sociopathic women.

The alpha's annoyance quickly slips away when his eyes land on the dead, bloody body of the ambulance driver on the ground, the keys nowhere to be found. Seconds later, he can hear the tinkling of metal, a familiar voice bouncing off the concrete walls.

"Julia," Kali sing-songs, Stiles' eyes widening. He quickly shuts the back doors of the ambulance as quietly as he can, pressing himself against the inside wall. He manages to peak out the small window, watching as Derek and Jennifer run back into the hospital, the demented alpha running after them.

When the boy hears nothing more, he relaxes in his spot, letting a sigh pass through his nose as his whiskey eyes focus back on Cora.

"Okay, okay, okay," he mumbles anxiously, wringing his hands. "We're okay. We're all right. You okay? How you doing. Wh..." Stiles trails off when he sees the she-wolf's chest still and her skin paler than before. "Why do you look like you're not breathing?" He moves forward, putting his ear next to her nose. There is no sound. No air. "Because you're not breathing, are you?"

He can feel the impending panic attack rising in his veins, and he tries to push it down, attempting to recall the steps to CPR. "Oh, no. Oh, God. Oh, no, no, no. Why are you not breathing? Come on. Okay, okay, okay," he mumbles, sitting on the edge of his seat closer to Cora, his mind clearing slightly as the steps come to him. "You can do this. You've done it before on Bea. Twice, actually.

"Here we go, tilt the head. Fingers on the chin. Clear the throat. Great, nothing. I see nothing. Okay, all right, so, uh, just pinch the nose and blow."

And just like he did with Bea previously, Stiles presses his lips to Cora's, blowing air into her motionless body. He tries for several minutes. No response comes from the girl, a sweat breaking on Stiles' forehead. If Derek's sister dies on his watch, his last remaining sibling, the alpha will literally skin him alive.

"Come on," Stiles mutters, pulling back before going back in. "Oh, come on, Cora. Come on, breathe. Come on, Cora! Breathe!" After pulling away again, Stiles think she may actually be gone, until she lets out a strangled breath, earning a sigh of relief from the boy.

girl almighty // s. stilinski [1]Where stories live. Discover now