yellow glowsticks

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"Where are you going?"

The question stops Stiles in his tracks in the middle of the upstairs hallway, causing him to turn around and look at the speaker with raised eyebrows.

Bea stands in her doorway, looking at Stiles with bleary eyes and messy hair, still in her sweatpants and his sweatshirt from the previous night. A small smirk appears on his pink lips as he looks at her, not feeling the least bit ashamed as his eyes give her a once over.

"I have cross country practice," he explains as his whiskey eyes finally reach her blue ones once again, his maroon Nike bag slung over his shoulder. The Stilinski boy is bundled up, the mornings having already starting to get cooler despite being only the beginning weeks of September.

The girl's eyebrows perk up at the mention of the sport, having participated in several teams through the last few years of high school and even some in middle school. She loves to run, for it helps her get her mind off of things.

"Cross-country?" she asks, Stiles noticing her change in attitude.

He raises an eyebrow to the girl at her enthusiasm. "You like to run?"

Bea crosses her arms over her chest, leaning her back against the doorway as she raises an eyebrow at the boy's amusement. "You think that's funny?"

Stiles shakes his head with a small smirk on his face, copying her stance. "No. I just didn't peg you as the athletic type."

With a shrug and a grin, Bea responds, "Ditto."

Rolling his eyes, Stiles puts his hands on his hips. "Well, would you like to come with me? I'm sure Coach wouldn't be opposed to some new members. Lord knows he's probably getting sick of me."

Again, Bea brightens up, her tiredness seeming to disappear within an instant. "Really?"

He nods, making Bea smile. He would never admit how it made his heart beat a little faster. "But if you're not ready in ten minutes, I'm leaving without you."

She rolls her eyes with a smile, rushing back into her room. "You know you won't leave me even if you wanted to!" Bea exclaims back before slamming her door shut.

Stiles chuckles a little, glancing at her white bedroom door before continuing his trek down the steps toward the kitchen, shaking his head slightly. She is something else, he thinks.

Quickly, Bea runs into her closet, grabbing a pair of running leggings, a sweatshirt, a sports bra, and a pair of running shoes, quickly slipping them on after removing her sleeping clothes. She grabs some jeans and a nice shirt for school, reaching for a pair of sandals before she gets a text from Lydia on her new smartphone from Noah.

girl almighty // s. stilinski [1]Where stories live. Discover now