it was everything

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"I have a very perceptive eye for evil, but you know that."

Scott rolls his eyes at his best friend's comment, their conversation having moved from Bea to Ethan. The alpha has been checking his phone every few minutes, almost as if he is waiting for something. Stiles can almost feel his anticipation.

"I don't like him sitting with Danny," Scott admits, eyeing the back of Ethan's head as the boy looks down at his phone once again.

"Yeah, neither do I. I'm gonna see what he's waiting for," Stiles informs, taking his blue Nokia out of his pocket and typing out a message to Danny, his thumbs flying across the keyboard.

"What are you doing?" Scott questions, eyeing Stiles warily.

"I'm gonna ask."

Stiles asks Danny to ask Ethan why he keeps checking his phone. Danny immediately replies with a no, Stiles letting an annoyed breath through his teeth. It's really important, Stiles tries again, being met with Danny calling him crazy. Stiles pleads with the goalie, though Danny just slides his phone back into his pocket, ignoring the Stilinski boy several seats behind him.

With wide eyes, Stiles throws his hands up in exasperation before quickly typing more messages, exploding Danny's phone with texts and dings.

A few rows up, Bea hears the constant dinging, causing her to open her eyes and lift her head up from the window she had been leaning against once more, her head pounding more now than earlier. She looks back over her shoulder, seeing Danny give Ethan an awkward smile as his phone continues to let out notifications from Stiles' constant messages throughout the bus.

Sighing, Bea leans her head back against her seat, wishing she could do something more to control her headache. However, she has already taken six Ibuprofen today, and as much as she would kill to take more, she decides against it, seeing as it is not doing anything for her anyway.

A sudden sting spreads through her left side, and Bea gasps in pain as she grips the spot, putting pressure against it as if it is bleeding. Though, when she looks down, she does not see crimson liquid staining her shirt.

Boyd turns in his seat at the pained sound that had come from the redhead, his eyebrows creased as he observes her. The beta notices her knitted brows as she looks down at her side in confusion, her hands shaking at her side. He stands from his seat after sneaking a glance at Coach to make sure the man is not looking, taking the free spot next to Bea.

"Hey, are you okay?" the taller werewolf asks Bea, moving to put his hand on her shoulder but thinking better of it.

Bea shakes her head, gripping her side as the pain increases. "I don't know. It started with my head, but now my side hurts. I don't know what's wrong with me," she explains, her face twisted in discomfort.

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