holy hell

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The silence is suffocating.

The only sounds that can be heard are the scraping of the silverware against the glass plates and the occasional gulp after one of the three swallows a sip of the drink they just took, for Noah it being beer and the two teens having a glass of water in front of them.

It is one of those rare occasions at the Stilinski household where they actually eat something other than frozen pizza or takeout. The Sheriff decided to grill three pieces of steak for Bea's welcoming. The girl couldn't be happier, for stake is her favorite meat, and she hasn't had it in years. Not since Marylin.

The dinner would be much nicer if someone would decide to say something instead of the intense stares directed at their half-eaten plates—Stiles glaring at his—making the atmosphere so thick you can cut it with the knives they are using to butter their baked potatoes.

Finally, the Sheriff breaks the extremely awkward silence that has washed over them. "So, Bea, why don't you tell us a little about yourself?" he asks, setting his silverware down on his plate.

Bea copies his actions, sending him a grateful smile. "Well, believe it or not, I'm a huge video game geek. Well, only two games, really," she answers shyly, sparking a reaction out of Stiles.

"Oh, really?" he questions disbelievingly. She rolls her eyes at his obvious skepticism, and she wonders if he has ever met another girl who has played video games; or another girl in general. "What do you play?"

"Uh, Kingdom Hearts and The Legend of Zelda. Occasionally, I like to go back and play Sly Cooper."

He quirks an eyebrow in surprise, not having expected such a list to fall from her lips. He leans slightly forward over the table, awaiting her screwed up answer as he asks, "What do you do to beat The Legend of Zelda?"

Out of the corner of her eye, she can see Noah roll his eyes, gripping the bridge of his nose in disappointment, and she has to stifle a chuckle as she looks back to Stiles, a smirk tilting the corner of her lips. 

She leans over the table just as much, answering, "I have located all the eight underground labyrinths, defeated every guardian monster there is, and retrieved every one of the eight fragments. With the completed Triforce of Wisdom, I infiltrated Ganon's hideout—Death Mountain—killing him with a Silver Arrow. Picking up the Triforce of Power from his ashes, I returned both of the Triforce pieces and rescued Princess Zelda, restoring peace to Hyrule. All in thirty-six hours."

Stiles' eyes widen as he looks at her with a dropped jaw, and she cannot resist the satisfaction the burns through her veins as she leans back in her chair. "You—you beat The Legend of Zelda in less than forty-eight hours?" he asks in complete awe.

girl almighty // s. stilinski [1]Where stories live. Discover now