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Bea is gasping for air.

The girl feels she has experienced this feeling too many times; the feeling of her lungs constricting and her chest burning. The parents of Stiles Stilinski, Allison Argent, and Scott McCall stare at her with wide eyes, unsure of what is happening to the young girl.

Questions are fired at her left and right, wondering if she is okay and what is happening to her. However, she cannot answer them, no air filling her lungs. Instead, it feels like she is sucking in water, as if she were drowning.

Someone is drowning.

Within a few moments, the pain in her chest starts to subside, and she greedily sucks air into her depraved lungs. Her eyes are blown wide as she coughs and splutters. The adults are silent, their eyes wide as they try to process what just happened.

"Bea, are you okay?" Melissa asks carefully after a few moments of silence.

The girl does not answer right away. Not only does she feel short of breath, but she feels as if something is missing; like a big chunk was just ripped from her. She cannot place the feeling. It is something she never felt before. And then she realizes that this must be what it feels like.

She glances up at the three parents, her bottom lip quivering at even the mere possibility of her thoughts being true.

"Bea, what's wrong?" Noah questions her while Chris just looks at her with creased eyebrows. He has experienced something like this, long ago.

"Someone's dead," she states, a pit sitting in the bottom of her stomach. It is the same as the one she felt the previous night, when Jennifer was about to kill Lydia and herself. It is the warning of the banshee.

However, the need to scream does not reside in her throat like before. The pit just sits there at the bottom of her stomach like an annoying stomachache. There is no buildup in her throat. She does not feel anything.

"What do you mean?" Melissa asks, taken aback by the girl's statement.

"I just feel it. Someone's dead, but I don't know if it's permanent," she states, confusing even herself. How could someone be dead, but not completely?

"I'm pretty sure death's a permanent thing," Noah comments, earning a glare from the redhead. Like father, like son.

"You obviously haven't met Peter Hale," Bea remarks, earning a snort from both Chris and Melissa. "I don't know what it is. All I know is I feel the same thing that I felt last night when Jennifer tried to kill Lydia and me. I just don't feel the need to scream," Bea explains.

"You're a banshee," Christ states, looking at her with creased eyebrows. He is studying her, and it sends a chill down her spine.

"And an empath. According to Jennifer, anyway. And I'm also something else that I don't know. Apparently, I have a lot of different supernatural bloodlines running through my family," Bea informs.

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